
Aboriginal Diversity

Decent Essays

1. Outline the diversity of Indigenous Australian peoples (~250 words)
Indigenous Australian peoples are rich in cultural, linguistic, and historical diversity, which highlight the impact of Indigenous communities on civilization and the knowledge traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. Indigenous Australians have cultural diversity partly due to their inclusion of non-tribal members and crossing of geographical boundaries in nation-states (Rumsey 1993). Rumsey’s point about the overlap of territory and sharing of languages is an example of the acceptance of diversity amongst tribes (Rumsey 1993). Members did not have to stay within a bounded region nor marry co-members, but rather had the freedom to mingle with other members of distinct tribes (Rumsey 1993). Language was not bound to geographical locations nor kept away from non-members thereby allowing language to flourish with diverse influences over time. Ecological and astronomical knowledge also add to the diversity of Indigenous knowledge and cultural traditions because it was through the relationships with the country that Indigenous peoples learned the information. The Indigenous worldview promotes a world of kinship, connection, and mutual life giving which bred a people rich with diversity (Rose, James and Watson, 2017).
Rumsey, Alan. Language and Territoriality in Aboriginal Australia. (1993). Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia. Canberra, A.C.T.: Aboriginal Studies Press,

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