A federal law put in place to abolish tenure will revolutionize the public school system. It is a simple yet realistic advancement to push forth positive effects on many measures, from America's status as a country down to one school’s status. Not only will it affect education, but this legislation could potentially strike up other forms of employment that use permanent contracts. For instance the “U.S. Government Accountability Office [presented a] startling statistic: 40.4% of the U.S. workforce is now made up of contingent workers.” In other words, almost half of the nation's employed have not been guaranteed a permanent job and this has been a rising trend since the recession. It is obvious there are negative effects to this large percentage
Better known as the debt ceiling compromise, the sequester was intended to serve as an incentive for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, also known as the “supercommittee,” to come to a deal to cut $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. If they could not come up with a deal, $1.2 trillion in further spending reductions would be implemented starting Jan. 1, 2013. Despite the deadline being extended to March 1, the supercommittee still could not come up with a plan. As a result, the sequester was set in motion, causing the government to trim its budget by $85.4 billion this year and by $1.2 trillion over the next 10 years (Zeitlin, “Fiscal cliff for dummies”)
Weingarten, Randi. "Why unions must keep up the fight." American Educator, vol. 39, no. 22015, p. 1. Opposing Viewpoints In Context,
I kenneth granberry am a democrat who believes that republicans destroy our free country rights. If you don’t believe my claim start to read on things republicans have done to destroy our natural air, and populate it with car emissions and coal just to make a quick profit of everyday people. Watch republican speechies you will find sum to be disturbing. You will find one video by Donald trump the republican mocking a disabled reporter. They support anything they can make money off of it. Many don’t see through the disceive things republicans have done.
Argumentative Essay Liberal Arts The liberal arts have been a main study for people for many centuries. They have even become a main part of our lives with the humanities relating to religion and how we act. Even though they have been important and still are today, many people think that they should not be a part of college curricula. They think that instead of teaching the liberal arts, colleges should have more of a focus on more practical subjects, such finance and accounting.
Today American citizens undeniably face some of the nation’s greatest challenges. No matter the issue, there will be consequences as a result. A great issue as voted by most Americans is believed to be the high percentage rate of unemployment. Unemployment is a distressingly bad aspect, and unfortunately it is a daily normality and struggle for most individuals. There are a plethora of reasons why unemployment is intensively high; frictional, structural and voluntary unemployment for example, serve as major purposes to the leading cause of high unemployment. Frictional unemployment occurs from the amount of time spent in finding new employment in the free market. For example, a recent university graduate may not necessarily expect to find a job of their expertise and skills right away therefore the job hunt continues. This also occurs whereas people choose to be unemployed rather than accepting the first job that comes around or are in between jobs because they have become inessential or simply looking for a better, beneficial career. Structural unemployment occurs due to inconsistent labor skills such as occupational immobility where learning a new skill required for a certain occupation is complicated. For example an unemployed mechanic will struggle to find an occupation in the medical industry because of the difference in occupational knowledge. Geographical immobility
In 2015 at a private school in a rural town, a potential salutatorian was stripped of her honors because she was currently seven months pregnant. She was told she would not be allowed to walk during graduation the following May. The private school accepted tuition paid by the student’s parents. Title IX could not protect this young mother when she faced months of discrimination. She was not allowed on campus during or after school hours. She was not allowed to attend any school functions for other students would think her actions were acceptable. She continued her studies at home when friends and family would bring her homework and classwork. Tests were taken at six o’clock in the morning so she could not interact with the student body. Although
For most middle class Americans, the dream of a stable, well-paying job is a fiction of a past long-departed. With the arrival of the modern system of flexible labor, working class America has waved goodbye to the economic prosperity championed by its forefathers—and begrudgingly welcomed an economy marked by stagnant income levels, dismal prospects of upward mobility, and a lowered seat at the workplace bargaining table. But as many prepare to bury the American Dream as a relic of days past, there endures a spirit of hope within some circles about the prospects of a brighter economic future for working class Americans. While the debate persists over the admirable goals of re-arming America’s unions and implementing a universal basic
There are alarms screaming, children crying, teachers hiding, and a masked man gunning down anyone he finds. There is nothing to protect these students and teachers in a moment like this. We need something to protect them. Arming teachers would protect students from harm.
For instance, “creating lower minimum wages for students and new hires could preserve jobs” as “the student minimum wage would permit employers to hire season workers without bearing the full cost of adult employment” (Hicks). It is also suggested that after employed unskilled workers work for “more after 90 to 120 days of employment”, they can gain a paid more than from when they started working. This policy could spare the training of those unskilled workers by other employee. These recommendations suggest that instead lowering minimum wage for full-time and long-time employers, lowering the rate for students and new employees and sparing the employees from training unskilled workers could essentially save a company money, while establishing a fairer work environment.
Henry Clay, a U.S. senator from Kentucky, wanted to find a solution to the problems that were formed thirty years after his creation of the Missouri Compromise. There were many problems that arose on the issue of slavery and the balance of states at this point of time that needed to be fixed as soon as possible.
❖ To what extent was naval rivalry the main cause of the first World War?
The still night was interrupted by the screeching tyres of Detective Micky Fausten’s wailing squad car. A moment later he hit the siren and bolted through the air as he came to the top of Harrison Hill. His car landed smoothly back on the road and shot through the small residential area, weaving in and out of each street in the neighbourhood.
In the news recently a major story has been the teacher strikes across the nation where teachers are demanding higher wages along with more funding for schools. (Cano, azcentral.com) For these teachers there doesn’t seem to be much of a solution to their current financial crisis other than raises to help them out of the financial troubles they already find themselves in. This is why it is important to keep teachers, and people with other lower income jobs from ending up in the financial situation like the current one. Of course, there are plenty of ways to do this from raising people’s pay or forgiving them of debts they may currently have but one thing that could help future people who might find themselves in this situation is a change in
Furthermore, imposing an employer mandate to comply with paying a higher minimum wage will have negative consequences on the labor market. What makes this topic important is that former President Obama passionately rallied for a hike in the federal minimum wage which never actually happened, but generated pressure on the states to take action. However, the major reason the new wage hike is going nowhere on a federal level is that the net effect costs jobs by businesses handing out layoff notices to the least productive employees and reducing working hours to compensate for the higher wages.2(p15) According to the data, "The typical study finds that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage depresses teenage employment between 1 and 3 percent.” 3(p13) Consider the scenario where a teen is applying for his first job. He has no work history and has few technical skills. At the minimum wage rate of pay, he may find entry-level work, but at fifteen dollars an hour employers will look for already skilled workers with more experience. Indeed, Professor Holzer, a graduate of Harvard University in American economics, verifies that “Many employers will be very reluctant to pay high wages to workers whose skills … are so modest.”4 Increases in hourly wages do not work well as an anti-poverty measure considering that monetary incentives will attract highly-skilled workers, which leave less-skilled workers not only without a job, but also with less of an
Times. http://www.nytimes.com.2008/02/19/world /americas/19iht-princeton.1.10175351.html Fitzsimmons, W. 2014. Time out or Burn out for the Next Generation. Retrieved from