
Abigaina Cazado Research Paper

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On November 10, 2009, a small meteor hit a bare patch of grass yards away from The Andes Chemical Lab. It was later encountered by one of the staff, and he brought it in to show to the supervisor. He was told to identify the substance and did the tests to figure it out. Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, it was unidentifiable. But before he could tell the supervisor, the rock started shaking. Seconds later, the power went out. As he realized that the rock was an egg, it became clear that the hatching of the egg had caused an EMP. The power was later restored, but the egg was missing, and it was not to be forgotten by that man. In Phoenix, Arizona, there was a woman named Cecilia Cazado. Having just turned 21 and about to start school, she …show more content…

She happened to notice that there were only three coyotes left. After the police cleared her to leave, she went to Meagan’s house for lunch. Once she got there, she told Meagan about what happened. Reassuring her, Meagan told Cecilia it was probably teens screwing about in the night. She told her that she should go home to take a nap, and Cecilia agreed to do so. On the drive over, a unsightly phenomenon causes Cecilia’s heart skips several beats when a gnarled figure sped at an inhuman speed across the road, directly in front of her car, followed by a large bump. Her whole body tremulous, she unbuckles her seatbelt and opens her car door, being ever so cautious to not make a false move. When she investigated, there was nothing but her tire tracks on the curb that she seemed to have ran over. Safely, she returned home to sleep and calm down, she is put in an unfortunate situation. She had set her alarm to wake up at three, but she awoke at nine thirty. Unhappy and slightly mad that she would not be able to spend the rest of her Saturday as she would have liked, she turned on the light and started towards the living room. At roughly about the halfway mark to

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