
Abc 's Television Series About The Black Experience Of Andre Johnson And His Family

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ABC’s Blackish is a brilliant television series about the Black experience of Andre Johnson and his family. It’s very successful at casually challenging and addressing various ideologies that exist in the United States. Ideology is defined as “…a system of meaning that helps define and explain the world and that makes value judgements about that world,” (Croteau & Hoynes, 2014). Just as Blackish challenges certain ideologies, it also, intentionally or unintentionally, promotes other ideologies. The twelfth episode of season three, better known as “Lemons”, covers the community’s reaction to Donald Trump becoming the president of the United States of America. It shines light on the turmoil that has escalated across the nation. Spanish …show more content…

Third, it challenges people to examine White women’s role in privilege, race, and complacency in America. It was a heavy scene that challenged stereotypes and ideologies. Andre is eventually critiqued by his White co-workers for not being as distraught as they are. He’s told that it does not seem as if he cares about the country. Andre rants to his coworkers, saying that he loves America, even when it doesn’t love him. He then explains to them the history of racism for Black people in America, and how these tragedies have been normalized in his world. This is a direct reflection of the real word post elections, as people of color were indeed disappointed, but many were used to being let down by the system. Many of them are perceived as unconcerned about the election results because they did not react the same way that privileged communities have reacted. The fact that Andre had to state whether he loved America or not in order to justify his emotions reinforces the ideologies of respectability politics. Respectability politics is a loose term that essentially “involves impression management behaviors” as they are believed to be a “presentation of self for African Americans as a necessary or useful strategy to be safe and successful in a racist society” (Lee, Hicken. 2016). By definition, this sounds realistic, but in execution, it

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