I’ve spent most of my life living in southeast San Diego and I have experienced first-hand the lack of motivation and incentive there is for children to pursue a higher education. Luckily, I had teachers I trusted who guided me and excited me about pursuing an education. My AVID class allowed me to get the information and help I needed to succeed in high school and it helped me build a life-long work ethic. As a result of my teacher’s commitment to her students I was able to apply and graduate from a four-year university. Once in college I was able to tutor the University Now program which is a Biology 101 class offered to high school junior and seniors that are low income, first generation college students. Although I tutored them in biology I found that they could really relate to my background and were very interested eager to receive advice. This program opened up my eyes to the possibilities of becoming a teacher and helping students. The connection I built with my students made me enjoy tutoring them and solidified my decision to pursue a career in teaching. My goal for the next five years can be broken down into two main goals: teach biology and be involved in a college prep class with low income students. I grew to love learning and teaching biology as a both a student and tutor at PLNU. I want to …show more content…
I myself am a first-generation college student and know how hard it is to get help at home. My parents immigrated from Mexico and lacked a college education. Once in the states they became permanent residents and worked two jobs to keep our family afloat. My AVID class gave me the tools and encouragement needed to tackle high school, college applications and even college itself. I hope to do the same with my students. I want to help break this cycle that keeps these students from being successful and continues to affect the generations to
The Stritch school of medicine is an institution that allows the intersection of research, compassionate care to all members of the community and academic excellence while keeping the patient first. For this reason, I am certain that being a part of this program will challenge me to widen my horizons and increase my exposure to different perspectives. Furthermore, the emphasis on serving others, especially those from the underserved population aligns with my future aspirations as a physician. The ASPIRE program has invaluable resources for me to broaden my depth of knowledge about health care disparities, team dynamics in medicine, and the significance of healthcare professionals that are willing to implement change.The combination of academic
In Nigeria, my parents were not given the opportunities to excel as students, which led to their decision to move to the United States and build a family. It became clear that “going to college…was never even like a question (62).” I’ve always known that a college education was in my future and that it was my job to take full advantage of all of the resources available. At UCLA, there are many programs that help students achieve by providing mentorship, encouragement and financial uphold to help make their four-year experience a prominent one. Success is known to come to those who work hard for it, and I knew that I had to put in the time and effort now to benefit from it in the future.
In reflecting on the background of these students, I realize that they often lack the resources necessary to successfully transition, not only into college but once they graduate and are looking for careers. For this reason, I feel that the purpose for pursuing higher education for first-generation, low-income students is to provide them with better opportunities than they would have with only a high school diploma. This is especially important for these students that lack cultural capital,
Every high school student is eager to move forward with their educational career once they graduate, for some going to college may be a breeze for the reason that they are financially stable, but for the rest of us like myself we have to go through student loans and debt just to pay off half of the tuition. Growing up in a Hispanic household plays an important role in my academics. I knew that money didn’t grow on trees as well as getting the never ending lectures from your parents about how education is the key to living a successful life. Not only am I fortunate enough to live a different life than my parents did, but considering the fact that Zapata High School offers every student to take college classes as long as they take and pass the
During high school I decided that I wanted to be part of a program that would guide me to be able to attend college . I didn't really know that much about the AVID program, I only knew that it would help me when I applied to college. Now being in AVID for four years I now know that it is more than just that. AVID has given me many opportunities. It has motivated me to take AP and other College classes, something I might not have done if I wasn’t in AVID.
USciences gives me the opportunity to attain higher education. By attaining higher education, I will be able to apply the knowledge and experiences I have gained in the workplace. Furthermore, USciences provides a great opportunity of various clinical settings, hands on experience, and allows me to be a part of a diverse group of individuals within the community. I believe hands on experience in various clinical settings will enhance my ability to provide better care for my patients. By enhancing my abilities, I will feel more confident in what I do in the future. Like any other career, I feel like it is important to feel confident in your job. For example, with physical therapy, patients are trusting the physical therapist to provide the best
My parents grew up in families with little parental direction. Attending school, overcoming adversity, getting a job and becoming successful were up to their own making. Although my parents did not go to college, they took advantage of other opportunities to better their lives so that my siblings and I would be able to attend universities. They worked hard to get jobs even without college degrees, and then worked harder to maintain those jobs; subsequently, this furthered their positions in their workplaces. By setting an example of making the most of what life has to offer, they influenced me to seize every opportunity that crosses my path. Going to college was not an opportunity my parents could take advantage of, but it is one that I can.
If I am accepted to the Illinois Math and Science Academy, I would be so honored and grateful. I look forward to the hands-on curricular offered at IMSA. I wish to be well prepared for my future. I plan on using the opportunities given to take initiative, explore my curiosities, step outside my comfort zone, take charge of what I’m doing with confidence, think for myself, work on different challenges, and build my independence.
Even though I gained admission to all the colleges I applied to after high school, my parents were not able to raise enough money to cover for my school expenses. I stayed home for some time trying to help my parents raise enough money for school. I’m the first generation student in my family and coming from a family living under low income and struggle to put food on the table, we knew the only way to come out of this situation is through college education and that is what I'm committed to do.
Math is the subject I grew in the most. In the ninth grade, I struggled with math. It was so bad that I ended passing the class with a D average. Thankfully for AVID, I was able to tutor at lunch. Along with tedious tutorials every week, I was able to pull my average up to a C.
Students from all over the United States are told all through their life that they need to attend college if they ever want to be successful, however, this is far from the truth. Often schools are culprits for driving students to attend money driven colleges, in other cases it is family. While schools all too often make the push on students to continue their schooling, parents can cause the same situation, as they may not have a degree and be working a low-paying factory job. Now kids already don’t want to be like their parents when they get older, so seeing them suffer in poverty or barely above the poverty line can cause some dissatisfaction, further seeking a degree to live a life that they never got. What many
Low income parents struggle to make their children know that a college education is important. Most low income families have a difficult time of paying bills and providing for their children. With a student going off to college, and not gaining a job that helps provide for the family, the parents will make the students feel guilty for not helping their family in a time of need. A Harvard education professor wrote a journal about the difficulties of low income students going off to college. In the journal she utilizes the students personal financial situation and how the students feel obligated to provide for the family. (Cox, 2016). The parents can also influence the students to believe that college is not important. Low income students will feel that college is unnecessary without their parents encouraging them to take beneficial actions to prepare for college. Parents rarely talk about preparing for the SAT, talking with school personnel about college, or encouraging extracurricular activities (Hochschild, 2003). Without the influence of parents low income students will not feel obligated to pursue a higher education, and instead feel as though they should help lessen their family financial
Today students are familiar using technology in just about everything they do. Blogging is an example of that is also the new approach to the teaching writing that is developing and changing every day. The qualitative case study was to look at blogging and how it influences writing at the elementary level. The study included fifth-graders doing a blogging project and writing their blogs. The study explored areas of student writing interests which included attitudes, content, voice, and making connections to the real world.
As a first generation college student emerging from a low income Hispanic family, it is imperative that I attain a college degree in order to set an example for my siblings, make my parents proud, and not be a statistic. Many schools in urban areas, for example in Paterson, do not stress the importance of a higher degree. These schools do not prepare students for the application process for universities and scholarships. I have had the privilege to attend a charter school that thrives on college acceptances where most students are going to either a university or the military force. SAT scores are also below the nation’s average. I am working with my friend in a non-profit organization with the mission of fostering interest in careers in finance
In my new essay, I included effects, definition, and illustration, but out of them all, I used effects the most. I chose these specific patterns for this essay because effects of bullying makes more sense than narration for bullying to me. There was more effects of bullying that I could think of, rather than talk about my life and how I was bullied because I know there are always two sides to every story and it just brings back bad memories. Bullying is the topic I chose for this paper because I can really relate to it, and many people in this world need to understands how much bullying can harm someone. This topic is something that can be hard to comprehend, but so easy to understand, so it’s confusing.