
AVID Personal Statement

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I’ve spent most of my life living in southeast San Diego and I have experienced first-hand the lack of motivation and incentive there is for children to pursue a higher education. Luckily, I had teachers I trusted who guided me and excited me about pursuing an education. My AVID class allowed me to get the information and help I needed to succeed in high school and it helped me build a life-long work ethic. As a result of my teacher’s commitment to her students I was able to apply and graduate from a four-year university. Once in college I was able to tutor the University Now program which is a Biology 101 class offered to high school junior and seniors that are low income, first generation college students. Although I tutored them in biology I found that they could really relate to my background and were very interested eager to receive advice. This program opened up my eyes to the possibilities of becoming a teacher and helping students. The connection I built with my students made me enjoy tutoring them and solidified my decision to pursue a career in teaching. My goal for the next five years can be broken down into two main goals: teach biology and be involved in a college prep class with low income students. I grew to love learning and teaching biology as a both a student and tutor at PLNU. I want to …show more content…

I myself am a first-generation college student and know how hard it is to get help at home. My parents immigrated from Mexico and lacked a college education. Once in the states they became permanent residents and worked two jobs to keep our family afloat. My AVID class gave me the tools and encouragement needed to tackle high school, college applications and even college itself. I hope to do the same with my students. I want to help break this cycle that keeps these students from being successful and continues to affect the generations to

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