
AP Physics Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Biology explains what occurs within all living things. Chemistry explains the reactions between different substances at the molecular level. Physics, however, explains how and why everything occurs in the universe. Through the use of mathematics, physics explains why things must go down and why it is impossible to reach the speed of light. Physics simply mirrors my personality as I am an individual who enjoys an explanation for everything.
Physics is my new found passion; however, I realized this very late in my high school career. I recently finished my first physics class, AP Physics 1, and found that I loved the subject. The inclusion of advanced mathematics and science intrigued me and lead to my search for other ways to involve myself in the field. Although my grade in the class may suggest that everything went smoothly--it did not. I experienced my first failing grade in …show more content…

Knowing that my senior year would be the hardest of the four, I debated whether to self study the following AP Physics courses. I knew that there would be no tangible reward; however, the intangible reward was what lead to my decision. The knowledge I would gain from studying these courses excited me. In the end, I decided to follow my passion and self study AP Physics 2, AP Physics C Mechanics, and AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism all in the same year.
In addition to these multiple self studied courses, I chose to take Honors Engineering Physics. However, the teacher understood that I had completed a higher level physics course and allowed me to use his class as time to research and experiment whatever I want. At the moment, I am currently applying what I have learned about electricity and circuits to a broken down golf cart and noticing how real life application of physics works. I am realizing how numbers and equations work out nicely on paper, but real life application hardly ever work

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