
AL Timers Research Essay

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The Boston University CTE Center is known for their extensive research of CTE. According to their findings, “By 2009, only 49 cases of CTE had ever been studied pathologically and published in medical literature, so the disease is still poorly understood” (BU Medical Case Studies). In their brain bank of over 200 brains, 59 of the 62 deceased NFL players tested positive for CTE. Since it is impossible to catch CTE in a living person, I propose looking at the various subtypes when conducting my study. A review for AL timers Research and Therapy stated, “although the clinical presentation of CTE is varied and non-specific, there are adequate reports to date to suggest that there may be two clinical subtypes: one subtype involving primarily behavioral or mood features (including explosivity or violence) or both, and the other involving cognitive deficits (including impairments in episodic memory, executive functioning, and attention)” (Montenigro P.15). By testing behavioral and mood changes as well as impairments in memory or functioning in the groups of athletes I plan to test my hypothesis and see if football players are more likely to suffer from CTE. In order to test my hypothesis, I propose looking at 100 professional male athletes (25 football players, 25 basketball players, 25 soccer players, and 25 …show more content…

I chose the computerized test because it is more accurate in finding cognitive impairments. Athletes will then take a psychological test in order to assess mood and behavior. Once all the testing is finished, participants will return home and continue to train/play. I will conduct the study again with the same participants 2 months later and record the data, this will continue throughout the sports season. Each time the subjects will do the computerized concussion test and the psychological test, however after the initial test I will test changes in mood or

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