
AASB 117 Term Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Lease is defined as an agreement where lessors promised to convey the right to use the asset for an agreed period of time to lessees in return for a sum of payment as in AASB 117 paragraph 4. Leases can be classified as either finance or operating lease based on the economic substance of the agreement.
As in AASB 117’s definition, a finance lease is a lease that effectively transfer substantially all of the risk and benefits incidental to the ownership of the leased item that are capitalised at the present value of the minimum lease payments under the lease and are disclosed as an asset or investment property.
 In note 21 of the financial report, this section deals with interest bearing liabilities, current finance leases liability is 0.4 million …show more content…

A lease other than a finance lease is an operating lease. Generally, the minimum lease payments of operating leases are recognised as an expense financial reporting.
 Note 29, which deals with lease commitments, represents the operation lease receivables and operating lease payables. Future minimum rental revenues under non-cancellable operating retail property lease is 4654.7 million, increased from 3242.3 million in 2013. The difference stands for a 43.5% increase based on 2013 figure.
 Also in note 29, operating lease payable is 112.9 million, a 32.4 million increase compare to 2013, which is 40.2% of 80.5 million in 2013.
 In 2014, the operating lease receivable due within one year is 694.2 million, 28.9% growth based on 2013’s amount. While total current asset of the Group of 2014 is 1119.5 million, the operating lease receivable counts for more than half of its current asset. This explains it that the business is focusing on retail shopping centres, all the property owned and leased by the Group is leased to third party retailer for profits. Therefore, the growth in operating lease receivable reflects that the business is growing. It could be a result from the merge

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