
A long and stressful day can take a toll on the mind. The mind in return, takes a toll on itself.

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A long and stressful day can take a toll on the mind. The mind in return, takes a toll on itself. For thousands of years, the belief that dreams hold a secret meaning or message was believed since the beginning of history. Dream interpretations have dated back to 3000 B.C. Ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Greek civilizations would record their dreams believing they were significant to the meaning of their lives. The idea that dreams hold a secret message or can be foretold has been carried out to present day. “Centuries ago, people in many cultures believed dreams were presented by an outside force and intended to serve as oracles or omens. Later, people theorized that dreams were caused by anxiety, household noises, and even indigestion” …show more content…

In some societies, people were unable to distinguish between the dream world and the waking world or choose not to make the distinction. They thought dreams were more powerful and not only an extension of reality. The fascination with dreams has led to many researchers discovering to study the mind while a person is asleep. Dream interpretation varies from culture to culture. A dream can mean different things depending on the background from who is analyzing them. For example, many religions had considerable respect for dreams. “Mohammed “received” much of the text of the Koran in a dream, and interpreted his disciples’ dreams for them. Later, the pendulum swung the other way: the Inquisition held the view that dreams were more often than not the work of the devil…” (Parker 10). Ancient Romans argued that dreams were unique depending on the person who dreamed them, and a person’s characteristics such as job, status and health influenced what symbols were in a dream.
Modern theories believe that dreams were based on “wish-fulfillment” and reflected a deep-desire. Freud believed dreams were rooted in our infancy and held serious meaning. Carl Gustav Jung, who did not agreed with Freud, thought they exposed deep wishes which made it possible to discover our aspirations. However, now psychologists reveal that drams are pointless to have any theory about. “They are simply another facet of life, as meaningless as waling existence” (Parker

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