
Essay on A comparison of Ancient Rome and Pre WW1 United States

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A comparison of Ancient Rome and Pre WW1 United States Title: The Roman Empire and the Early United States A comparison

The purpose of this paper is to show the comparison between remarkable empires that were created in many years apart. I chose to compare Pre-World War I United States and the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire information is said to be recorded between 753BC – 1184 BC (ThinkQuest) and the Pre World War I information is between late 19th century and early 20th century (Encarta). Included in this paper will be in information comparing: Government, Economy, Military, and Religion.


The Roman Empire had 3 different types of government during this period. During the 1st period Rome was controlled by a King, …show more content…

This to was a major resource for the United States, although the manufacturing was in place that created a vast majority of goods for its people. The means of payment were similar also. The Roman Empire used silver, gold and bronze coins as a means of payment for goods. This system also existed in the United States. The Romans had also built roads and ships in order to transport the goods for trading; this practice was also exercised in early America. As both the Roman Empire and the United States progressed each society had a surge of “big business”. In the Roman Empire military was increasing and many of the smaller farmers where forced to sell out their land to larger farmers due to increased taxes. In comparison the United States was currently catering to all big business in order to create a manufacturing powerhouse. This had changed the style of the 1800’s into production and factories. Many people who were once skilled craftsman where forced to work in factory jobs and working long hours in hazardous conditions. Both these empires where growing in such force that it had consequently destroyed or forced change upon current residence and higher taxes where in force as well.


The Roman Empire and the United States both had well developed protective forces in place. The Roman Army consisted of many different units performing a variety of functions. Coincidently the United States had a similar military in place as well.

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