
A Wound That Will Not Heal Analysis

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After thoroughly examining the two articles, “A Very Bordered World” and “Living on the Border: A Wound That Will Not Heal”, I came upon a common argument expressing that the borders are built and shaped by the people. Not only were the borders shaped by the people but the borders have, in turn, shaped the way humans live. Although each of the articles indicate that the borders are shaped by the people, they both portray their arguments from two extremely different perspectives. In “A Very Bordered World”, the authors claim that “borders are not ‘natural’ phenomena” (Diener et al. 1). Geographical borders create and distinguish places from one another, and humans have clearly created borders differentiating social, economical, political, and cultural meanings of one geographical space to another. Diener and Hagen also claim that “borders create and signify varied legal obligations, social categories, and behavioral expectations for different areas.” In simpler terms, this means that borders …show more content…

Cantù claims that “Immigration and emigration have shaped the borderlands”, and effectively supports this claim by offering details on unemployment rates due to immigration and emigration. While the immigrants and the emigrants have been proven to shape the borders, Cantù also proves that the borders affect the way humans live. In the article, it states that “Newcomers integrate their ways into the existing culture, but the old ones remain.” resulting in “Intriguing syncretisms” (Cantù 3). In other words, an already existing culture is changing and merging with newcomers due to the border. This results in the merging of different forms of belief. Cantù also provides effective evidence to support her claims by providing information from her experience of living on the

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