
A Woman's Beauty Put Down Or A Power Source

Good Essays

Over the year’s society has developed tremendously; especially when it comes to gender equality. There was once a time where women were not allowed to vote or even leave the house because they were viewed as the people whose job was to stay home to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. It is 2017 now and we’ve come a long way at fighting for our rights. Although we have come a long way, there are still issues we face in society. We are constantly struggling to break these standards that women should look a certain way to be considered beautiful. Along with this there are still many things that in a way state women aren’t as great, strong, or as smart as men. While we’ve succeeded in some aspects to have equal rights, there are many more things …show more content…

As stated in the work A Woman’s Beauty: Put Down or Power Source? by Sonia Sontag, “Women are taught to see their bodies in parts, and to evaluate each part separately. Breasts, feet, hips, waistline, neck, eyes, nose, complexion, hair, and so on-each in turn is submitted to an anxious, fretful, often despairing scrutiny.” (Sontag 645) This means that women are always trying to meet the unrealistic standards created by society to even be considered beautiful. There is so much pressure placed on women about keeping up appearances. Men specifically, tend to look at women by each part of their bodies instead of a whole person. Which is why women have resorted to plastic surgery more often now. It is also stated by Sonia Sotomayor that, “Dressing badly has been a refuge much of my life, a way of compelling others to engage with my mind, not my physical presence.” (Sotomayor 283) This means that she was always aware that women are seen mainly by their looks and not by brains or personality. Thankfully, she went against society, and their standards, and was able to spread her intelligence throughout the world. While women get seen in parts, men do not. Men’s facial features or body parts don’t get picked at on one by one. This is where the inequality between men, and women …show more content…

It has become clear that if we do not fix the fact that women are seen by parts in society, it’s going to have a domino effect. It will lead to women being treated as lesser than a man. This will then affect her in a workplace, and her pay. Women are more than just what their appearance is, and should be seen just as men are. As a whole person, mind included. I believe one day these inequalities, the pay gap, the disrespect in the streets, and harsh judgment will soon fade away. It all starts with acknowledging the wrong doing to women in today’s

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