
A White Paper on Building Information Modeling

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The future direction for the Architecture and Building industry is clearly BIM. Although there are disadvantages to BIM but this is so with every technology. The question is do the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages? In the case of BIM the answer is a clear yes. In the past decade, there has not been any technology, invention or innovation that has had such an impact on the Architecture and building industry as BIM. In 2005, a survey conducted by the American Institute of Architects showed that 85% of architects had never heard of BIM. However, by 2009, 75% of architects are heavy users of BIM. This is a 160% increase in 4 years. (Pierce,2009). The McGraw Hill Construction Smart Market report conducted a survey which showed that …show more content…

The GSA hopes to create a knowledge portal community and a six part BIM guide series. The US Coastal Guards, US Navy and the US Army Corp of Engineers are large owners implementing BIM. BIM is becoming the standard for transforming the way facilities are programmed, designed, built, operated and disposed in the federal government. (Sullivan and Sherman2007) In the private sector, clients like Disney are asking for BIM projects. BIM project is being used around the world. It was used to design the Eureka Towers in Melbourne Australia which is the tallest residential building in the world. It was also used to create the Freedom Towers which will be the world’s tallest structure, overlooking the World Trade Center in New York City. It is also being used to renovate the Pentagon which is the largest office building in the world. The London Hospital Projects which is a very huge project also uses BIM. (Howell and Batcheler 2005) It is hoped that globalization will bring new competitors to the industry thereby bringing about a desired change in the present gap. Human and Technical Gaps The gaps in BIM are human and technical. They include but are not limited to the following: delineation of liability and responsibility between project members, different methods of project delivery and contractual relationships, reliance on applications from various vendors based on particular project requirement and project members optimizing

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