
A Very Brief Summary: The Black Exodus

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Black Exodus

There was once a time in the south where there was slavery. SLAVERY. But, the U.S.A finally got rid of it after the Great American Civil War. So then all blacks were free, but were they really free? They often asked themselves this question as they found themselves sharecropping, in debt or hung up in Klan violence. But then God offered a way out, Kansas, where the deer and the antelope play. Blacks would be truly free and have a chance at a normal life. Then that’s when the blacks started migration, an exodus like Moses’, The Black Exodus. Then the blacks faced a journey. The journey that laid ahead would be hard, especially with the idea going around that all of the blacks were going to Kansas and the midwest, the slave owners and other whites who heavily relied on black labor were not happy. But none the less, the blacks set off on a journey. The transportation needed to make the trip to Kansas was cheaper than ever, giving the blacks a fairly easy trip to Kansas and a good start. One thing that might have been hard for them though would be luggage. With any move, you have to move everything with you. So transporting everything might have been hard, but almost everyone that started the journey, made it. …show more content…

Benjamin Pap Singleton was a born a slave in 1809, but he escaped his plantation in 1846. After he escaped from slavery, he settled in Michigan and began working as a carpenter and he also helped other runaway slaves to Canada. He then moved to Nashville where he tried to get rid of slavery and led many of his own plans to free slaves, but most of them failed. But after the Civil war was over, and the violence in the south only increased, he had to do something, and he

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