
A True American Hero

Decent Essays

A True American Hero After reading about Alexander Hamilton we can definitely see the importance that he provided in establishing the United States. The author also did a very good job of explaining how Hamilton was able to do this. When we reading the story we can see that Hamilton was able to use his intelligence, Finical knowledge, hard work ethic,background, patriotism, and the respect that others had for him to influence and help establish the United States. It was by successfully obtaining and using his influence and knowledge that helped Hamilton become the man that he was. When reading about Hamilton, it does not take long to realize that he is a very intelligent man. From the beginning Hamilton saw great success come from his intelligence. It was through his intelligence that he got to come to America. We can also see how the knowledge of Hamilton helped him gain the respect of so many important people in American History. Hamilton also had a superior understanding of Fiances. We first see Hamilton become involved in fiances when he worked for Mr. Cruger in the Caribbeans. This definitely helped Hamilton later on in life when he became the first Unites States Secretary of the Treasury. We also see Hamilton's knowledge of fiance when he continuously fights for a better banking system in the United States. We also see how hard Hamilton was willing to work to achieve the things that he wanted. On numerous occasions we see Hamilton spend countless hours trying to

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