
A Troublesome Property Analysis

Decent Essays

After discovering the reading of four writers on slavery, I have learned new and exciting information about the institution of slavery. Throughout this paper I intend to inform you of there thoughts and actions and how I perceived them. I also intend to analyze how the lifestyle and upbringing of these writers affected their writing. Being able to uncover what these readings mean has been both challenging and rewarding.

After reading Kenneth Stampp’s A Troublesome Property, I have concluded that he was against slavery in a non traditional sense. He believed that the slaves actively resisted slavery. He contradicted other writers like Ulrich Phillips who believed slavery was accepted by the people being enslaved. Stampp wrote about how slaves …show more content…

This reading contradicted Stampp’s. They believed that plantations were the effective in maintaining order and keeping slaves motivated. Robert Fogel did work at many universities and studied other things than just history. His background in economics laid the foundation for his research and beliefs on the productiveness of plantations in the south during slavery. He was married to a black women in a time where people were unaccepting of interracial relationships. This made his understanding of the prejudice that happened in the south stronger. Stanley Engerman was also skilled in economics and their writings together challenged readers to think critically about the economics involved in plantations in the …show more content…

I believe that slaves silent protest to slavery was most likely the most accurate depiction of slavery on plantations in the south. He also in my personal opinion had the background of someone who would know what he was talking about. Secondly, although I do not necessarily agree with all of Fogel and Engermans ideas, I did think that some of what they said made sense. In some cases I'm sure their reports were accurate. However maintaining such strict order on large plantations would be extremely challenging. Watching and preserving this discipline was most likely not done on many plantations. However they seemed to have a powerful understanding of economics. This strengthens their theories making them much more believable. Finally, I completely disagree with Genovese’s work. He seems to see the world of slavery through rose colored lenses. His thought that slaves work better for self benefit would probably have some ring of truth, except for the fact that slaves had very little self benefit and or reward system in place for slaves. The slaves operated more off of fear than out of wanting to get something out of their work. He seems to paint a picture of slavery in the sense that slaves worked better when in groups and everything is fine and dandy. He also seemed to be slightly ignorant and almost uneducated on what he was writing about. His comments on subjects outside of Slavery also contributed to my lack of respect

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