
A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay

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What would you do if all of your rights as an independent, free willed person, were taken away? If you were left with nothing at all, except being told to follow everything someone tell you to do. This is how women in other countries are treated. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hoesseini captures how it feels to live in those circumstances. However, while expressing those circumstances, he raises the question: Do your circumstances decide who and what you will become? This question can be answered in many ways, but it is clear in the book, that your past situations of experience may have an impact on your life, but they, ultimately do not decide who you are. In the beginning, Mariam is growing up with her mother, never going to school, …show more content…

Laila grew up learning and always being told by her father to never stop exploring. When her parents die and she marries Rasheed, she is submissive at first, but eventually starts to stand up to Rasheed. Mariam learns from her, therefor showing that, while she grew up being taught to be submissive to whatever Rasheed wants, Laila teaches her to stand up for herself and that she is somebody. Laila’s circumstance at first what with marrying Rasheed and having his will imposed on her, had an affect on her confidence and will. But as it got to be too extreme where nothing she did ever seemed to please him, she came to a realization. Rasheed was a dictator and neither she nor Mariam should have to stand for the abuse, both verbal and physical, that Rasheed imposed on them. “Downstairs, the beating began. To Laila, the sounds she heard were those of a methodical, familiar proceeding. There was no cursing, no screaming, no pleading, no surprised yelps, only the systematic beating and being beaten, the thump, thump of something solid repeatedly striking flesh, something, someone, hitting a wall with a thud, cloth ripping.” (Pg. 268,

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