
A Theology Of Liberation By Gutierrrez

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Gustavo Gutierrez is a well-known theologian and priest thats considered to be one of the founders of liberation theology. Originally, it’s a Christian manifested response for treacherous conditions in Latin America revolving around an unjust social system. In his award winning book, A Theology of Liberation: history, politics, and salvation, he analyzes and reflects on theology as a focal point for ‘truths’ and the importance behind them. In other words, his intent for each phrase has a significant meaning in its subtext. In Gutiérrez’s book, he emphasizes his beliefs and sentiments when by stating, “A theology which has as its points of reference only "truths" which have been established once and for all -- and not the Truth which is also …show more content…

One aligns itself to a higher power, while the other is a subjective and inclined interpretation of the truth. This begins to be the first steps of theology: critical reflection on human perspective on the truth. Gutiérrez illustrates that Theology is essentially a critical reflection on humankind and it’s primitive social principles. (Gutiérrez p.9) This means that the best starting point for beginning theology is in the present reality and social circumstances that humans are currently in. Human action is the initial starting point for all expository reflection. Within this there are two entities, action and reflection, if one is eliminated the other would suffer. There is no true word that does not embody praxis or meaning. Therefore, to speak a true word is an action that can affect the world and humanity. If the truth can be only found in history and the threads of the past, then it’s in the present one must face God, which signifies the sentiments behind Gutiérrez’s statement. This encounter cannot be planned or arranged, but since there can be no absolute truths about God; it is God who is encountered within …show more content…

According to Gutiérrez, “This is the foundation of the praxis… in history.” (Gutiérrez p. 7) However, if theology is based on a narrow observation of historical events, it contributes to the investigation of their meaning. The true interpretation of the meaning revealed from theology is only found in historical praxis. To add, Gutiérrez’s quote “can be only static and, in the long run, sterile,” implies that Theology can be a liberating mechanism for mankind and Religious communities, preventing them of solidarity and proclivity over a long period of time. The significance behind this is showing that theology has a pivotal role in liberation from all forms of religious alienation, which is fostered by the ecclesiastical institution when it’s based from an authentic approach towards the Word of God. Between society and church, theology is an understanding that grows and changes through out the progression of history. For instance, if the commitment of a religious community takes different forms in its history, its understanding of the commitment will be constantly refreshed, renewed, and take unforeseen

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