
A Successful Leader Is A Servant

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Leadership is all around us, regardless of position. Everyone, in some manner, has the opportunity to lead and make an impact whether at home or at work, low on the rank structure or at the top of the proverbial food chain. A successful leader is someone who has a vision, strong core values, a servant and someone who can win the hearts of those to whom they are leading to accomplish a mission; leaders work themselves out of a job if successful. Influences within my career were Chiefs on my boat who were not afraid to get their hands dirty, first classes who worked late and made themselves available when we were all screwing up to ensure we would succeed without retribution on the following Monday and dozens more with attributes I wanted …show more content…

In the electronics world and the technological improvements being deployed, often the work is repeated only to be repeated again. Systems are touched only to be revisited a short time later to be removed and rebuilt again to keep up with the capacity demands or needs of our customers. Technicians can get lost in the why are we doing this without a global vision as to how their work impacts the operations of others. We all have a story of an IT group or electronics technician who had the good enough attitude of a repair not seeing how it affected the overall cause of what you were trying to accomplish. He/She lacked the vision of what their groups were trying to accomplish. As leaders we must recognize this and repeat our vision and ensure the message is clear where we are going and how each member can impact this cause. 3. We as leaders must be an example to our people of whom we are as an organization and live to our core values of honesty, integrity and devotion to our duties. We are not the great untouchables that sit in the office not getting into the field and listening to our crews. We must outwardly show our commitment to our vision and set the examples for others to follow. Language and personal actions affect others. When we get angry or frustrated with the performance it shows and reflects on the

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