
A Study On Clinical Picture

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Clinical Picture
Patient is a 76 y/o male that lives with family members and his wife who has Alzheimer’s disease. They live in a single family home with 1 step to enter. Pt has 2 daughters and 1 son who live locally and assist him and his wife with driving to the grocery store. The reason that the patient was referred to Occupational Therapy is because of his decline in strength, decrease in functional mobility, and decrease in transfers along with his reduced participation in his activities of daily living. Pt’s prior level of function was moderate independent with the assist of adaptive equipment such as a rolling walker. His prior level of function doing his ADL’s was moderate independent in hygiene, grooming, bathing, toileting, UB & …show more content…

Pt also has a history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with an inferior vena cava filter to capture any lose blood cells. The chest pain he is experiencing is no cardiac secondary to chest wall pain which is symptoms of his small cell carcinoma of the lung. Patient is required to use oxygen as needed for his SOB secondary to his lung cancer. No evidence of a compression fracture was found in the spine, patient has prior laminectomy postoperative changes in the lower lumbar secondary to previous falls.
Current Level of Function
Cognitive status: problem solving = moderate
Perceptual skills: visual spatial & perceptional skills = intact
Functional Mobility: During ADLs = MaxA
Balance: sitting balance= Fair - Standing balance= poor w/ MaxA
Range of Motion: RUE & LUE= WFL (within functional limits)
ADL Status:
Functional mobility during ADLs= Max A Self-Feeding & Hygiene/Grooming = Set Up
UB Dressing = Min A
UB Bathing & toilet commode transfers = Max A
LB Bathing & LB dressing = Total dependence
Strength/muscle manual testing:
RUE strength= 3/5 (full ROM, against gravity, w/o resistance)
LUE strength= 3/5 (full ROM, against gravity, w/o resistance)

Pt is able to move both L and R upper extremities through full range of motion. Pt is able to verbalize his pain level. Pt is able to feed his self. Oral care, hygiene and grooming are ADL’s that he is able to do independently. He is also able to perform UB dressing with minimal

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