
A Study Of A Problem Domain Essay

Decent Essays

System Analysis is the study of a problem domain to recommend improvements and specify the business requirements and priorities for the solution. It involves the analyzing and understanding a problem, then identifying alternative solutions, choosing the best course of action and then designing the chosen solution. It involves determining how existing systems work and the problems associated with existing systems. It is worthy to note that before a new system can be designed, it is necessary to study the system that is to be improved upon or replaced, if there is any. 3.1 THE EXISTING SYSTEM 3.1.1 REVIEW OF THEEXISTING SYSTEM Timetabling is the whole process concerned with making a timetable having events arranged according to a time when they take place which must be subject to the timing constraints of each entity placed in the table. University timetabling in this context refers to the rigorous task educational center staff in a Federal University Lokoja undergo to draw up timetables that satisfies various courses that should compulsorily be inherent in the final timetable solution. These courses are usually taught by varied lecturers in different departments who may also wish to specify some timing constraints on their courses. Given all the courses and course details, the educational center staff in Federal University Lokoja is charged with the responsibility of creating a near optimal timetable which would serve as a guide for academic activities in the university.

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