
A Study In Charlotte Feminist Analysis

Decent Essays

Women in Society vs. Men as seen in A Study In Charlotte Women are judged rather harshly compared to their male counterparts, resulting in a lack of women working in large corporations. Is it not funny that some women are more qualified for a position in a job, but because they are women, and the partially inexperienced male will take her place? In A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro, Charlotte Holmes is scrutinized by her own family for not being like her great grandfather and brother. Her parents trained her to be like her great grandfather, but because of a few minor character flaws they tell her she is not fit to be a Holmes and send her to boarding school. Charlotte is so often negatively compared to her great grandfather, that she puts herself in danger to prove she is worthy to be a Holmes. Like Sherlock she is very intuitive, deceptive, and brave. …show more content…

Jaime is still getting used to the fact Charlotte will always know everything one step ahead of him. In fact in the hallway when she knows he is thinking about Dobson’s death, he gets super freaked out because he did not have to say anything for her to already know. Jaime thinks, “I didn't bother to ask how she knew. She was a Holmes” (Cavallaro 26). Here he compares her to her grandfather in a good way, he knows she has Sherlock’s intuitiveness. Charlotte’s parents never would have made that

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