A stanza from “The Statue of Liberty,” represents a meaning that many people overlook. In the last stanza, the poem says, “She was built on Liberty Island, and she stands there still to this day. She represents friendship, freedom, and the American way”(Perro 8). This stanza from the poem is basically stating the whole meaning of the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was called "Liberty Enlightening the World" and was designed to be an international symbol of liberty, justice, and democracy. It was the idea of Edouard de Laboulaye, a French liberal. He hoped that by honoring the achievements of the Americans, he would inspire the French people to create their own democracy (Borkhataria 5). In today’s society, we have many ways to …show more content…
The poem states, “The statue was given to us by all the good people of France to mark 100 years since we declared our independence”(Perro 3). This shows how the poem rhymes with the words France and independence. There are many ways to interpret what a symbol or subject means. Another way to interpret what the Statue of Liberty means is by looking at a basic picture of it. A good picture to describe the meaning of the Statue of Liberty was taken by Cecile Borkhataria. This picture was taken on June 29, 2017. This picture is related to a news article that is very interesting and full of useful information. In the news article, there are two separate photos. The first photo was taken right after the Statue of Liberty was built. The second photo was taken recently to show the difference between when it was first built and what it looks like now. The biggest difference between the two photographs would be the noticeable color change that has occurred. The statue has undergone an amount of weather and pollution (Borkhataria 4). The technical reason why this statue turns color is because copper gives up an electron and then eventually turns into Tenorite. Then Tenorite reacts with sulfuric acid in the atmosphere and water to form brochantite, a blue-green mineral (Borkhataria 20). Due to all of this, the statue has turned from a shiny copper or bronze look to a dull brown, then transforming to a light bluish-green
The poem is about immigrants coming to America. In the poem, it says “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free(665).” The tired and poor are people from other countries who are coming to America. They want to be free from whatever country or trouble they are facing. America is letting them come in and be free. This shows that even though all these people are from different countries, are different religions and different races they all share the same goal of being free. They can all come together and have a similarity of being Americans. It also says in the poem “Here at our sea-washed , sunset gates shall stand a might woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles (665).” The Mother of Exiles is the Statue of Liberty. She has called this because all, different people have left their native country to be free and be American. All the immigrants are from different parts of the world, but they are exiled and leave for the freedom. They have a similarity of being
In her poem Lazarus juxtaposes the symbol of the United States, the Statue of Liberty, with one of the most important symbols of the Greek and Roman era, the Colossus of Rhodes. As described in Lazarus’ poem the Statue of Liberty welcomed thousands upon thousand of immigrants, who were in search of a better life, to the United States. The Colossus
Misty May-Treanor, an outstanding three time Olympian champion, once said, “I would like to instill in people just to work hard. As long as they keep at it, their dreams will happen.” Working hard guided her to countless, fantastic events in her life, and made her who she is today. Misty achieved her dreams by keeping at it all the way through the rough times. She didn’t stop even for one moment.
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most well know symbols of the United States, across the world. For this reason I chose to analyze the dramatic effect it creates, and what methods it implores to invent this "universal" meaning. It is one of the strongest visual representations of the ideals which our country is founded upon. I intend to defend the argument that the Statue of Liberty posses the power of persuading human thought using the terms encompassed in Kenneth Burke's Pentad, shaping the definition of "America" for people through out the world.
The Statue of Liberty, also known as Lady Liberty, for me is the most intriguing part of New York City. It is a symbol of hope, freedom, and a better life in the United States. It is widely known that Lady Liberty was the first thing immigrants saw when they came to America, this architectural structure was a symbol of hope and freedom. What intrigues me the most is, Why would France just give us a an expensive copper statue? I never understood this until right now, everyone knows what she symbolizes, she is the Statue of Liberty. The word 'liberty' is related to the word 'liberated', which means to free. For example, U.S. soldiers helped 'liberate' Jews from the concentration camps in Germany after World War 2. The statue was given to us to represent freedom, the concept on which our great country was born on. Not just any freedom, a true freedom, a freedom in which we are not subservient to a king. In a sense, we are being liberated from being servants to the kingdom. It is our country and we want to protect and defend it because we are fighting for a cause, not just some person who wears a crown because of the family he was born in to.
In “America” by Claude McKay, the author tells about how the statue of liberty is a part of American freedom and how it means a difference to immigrants coming in. in the passage the author explains, “yet as a rebel fronts a king in state, I stand within her walls with not a shred of terror, malice, not a word of jeer.” the author is a rebel to the state he immigrated from. Also He feels confident in the beginning life beyond the beauty of the statue of liberty. The author believes he’s protected by the new country, and that’s what America is, freedom and
The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, a destination for many of the early American immigrants, reads an inscription, ?Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" (National Park Service, 2016). This excerpt from a poem by Emma Lazarus encompasses the American spirit that led to the American Revolution and separation from England. America was a country comprised of immigrants who came to the New World to make a home of peace, safety and, as the statue stands, liberty.
In Macbeth many motifs are expressed through the duration of the play. One theme that is prominent in the play is the idea that nothing is as it seems to be; this theme is represented by the three witches, Macbeth, Banquo, and Lady Macbeth.
Not like the Colussus of Rhodes, the statue of liberty is a welcome to America, rather than conquering limbs astride from land to land. Emma Lazarus The New Colossus 1883
One example that shows how the Statue of Liberty represents the idea of immigration is when Emma Lazarus writes about what she thinks the Statue of Liberty’s message stands for. According to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Foundation, in 1876, a sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was assigned to design the Statue of Liberty. Because the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France, the United States agreed to build a pedestal for the statue, but since there was a financial lack in both countries, the United States held an art and literary auction to raise funds for the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal. In 1883, Emma Lazarus was asked to create a poem to raise funds for the statue’s pedestal which would be placed in New York. Emma Lazarus says in The New Colossus, “Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name/ Mother of Exiles….‘Give me your tired, your poor/ your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/ the wretched refuse of your teeming shore/’” (Lazarus 5-12). When Lazarus says, “Mother of Exiles” she represents that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of immigration because the statue is the woman who is well known for taking people that have been kicked out of the country they were living in. When Lazarus says these strong key words, “huddled masses yearning to
Why does Jay Gatsby pursue Daisy Buchanan with incomparable persistence? One might say it’s because Daisy is beautiful. It could be because Daisy’s from Louisville and Gatsby has a thing for Kentuckian girls. Maybe it’s because Daisy drives a nice car. Gatsby could just love girls named after flowers. Though there are countless reasons Gatsby could pursue Daisy, the reason Gatsby endlessly chases Daisy is because she represents everything he hopes to achieve. She has wealth and is an upper class citizen. Gatsby believes she is the key to his own wealth and success in life. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald suggests that Gatsby ties his dreams and visions of success to Daisy. This is seen in the novel’s play on religious ideals and Gatsby’s idealization of Daisy.
In 1865 when the American Civil War was close to the end, a French historian Edouard de Laboulaye suggested that France should create and give to the United States a statue that would symbolize the nation’s success in building a viable democracy. However, because of the lock of money, the work on the statue didn’t start until the end of 1875. The creator of the statue is the French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi who created the statue out of sheets of hammered copper and Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, the creator of Eiffel Tower created the statue’s steel frame. The female form represented by the sculpture is based on Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty. The statue was given to the United States and was
In the story “The New Colossus” it talks about the Europeans wanting to come to America and pursue the American dream. They had the belief that the Statue of Liberty, in this story she is called The Mother Of Exiles, is asking the countries to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States, she was the golden door to America, offering refugee to those who were seeking freedom.
“The New Colossus” is a poem written by Emma Lazarus that is inscribed on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty. This is the poem that we as Americans use as words of inspiration. From October 28, 1886, the date of when the Statue of Liberty was built and dedicated, to the year 2017, we have used the poem’s words to live by. While some people think that it is time for a change, others say that we should leave the poem to stay, for it is a historical remembrance of everything that we have stood up for. This poem also represents the welcoming of immigrants, the freedom that we fought for, and the freedom of religion.
There are few objects that can be compared to the significance of the figure known as the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the greatest works of its time and still stands today as a meaningful entity of independence to the world. The statue is a great tribute to the concept of global freedom that had its roots in America. It was created to display the worldwide objective of peace and tranquility. The fact that another model of this icon stands today in a world capital shows the effect that this figure has inscribed upon the world. In addition, it represents the ideas that the United States was built upon and those that the people have lived by to this very day. Its most paramount features in its role through American history are its