
A Small Universal Unitarian Church

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The purpose of this ethnographic study is to provide a short description of a small Universal Unitarian Church located in Canandaguia New York. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaguia was founded in the fall of 1991 by Reverends Carl and Maureen Thitchner. The co-ministers originated from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst. After the steady growth of the Church they sought a larger facility in 1997. The Universal Unitarian tradition seeks to embrace many faiths and traditions found throughout all humanity. The are explicit in the idea that they do not believe that truth is the sole possession of one religion. Instead, they seek to spread throughout all traditions including secular traditions. One important symbol of the Unitarian Universals tradition is the flame wishing a chalice. The joining of the chalice and the flame looks to encourage sacrifice and love though there are many different interruptions across the world such as the light of reason, the warmth of community, and the flame of hope. The UUCC has monthly worship themes which revolve around “core spiritual values” which are celebrated by the Unitarian Universalists faith. Every month they focus on one of these values, and as such, each is approached with the question “what does it mean to live a life of____?”. They focus on the deep commitment ensuring that its practice makes a difference within their daily lives. The Church offers “soul matters” which is an opportunity for an

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