
A Short Summary

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It is the year 1620, and we are on our way to Massachusetts. If you are confused on why I said “we,” there are about six or seven families along for the ride. We should be on the boat for roughly three months. Oh, I forgot to mention it is early September. Every person that is coming along is allowed to bring one suitcase with them. If you don’t pack carefully, you could get sick, die, starve, become hot, cold, or even thirsty. My suitcase is comprised of of things such as, food, a hatchet, a blanket, four pairs of shoes, utensils (for eating of course), and lastly some soap. I also am bringing my trusty companion, Fido, along for the journey. He is a hunting dog, so I mean he could come in handy when we come ashore. Well, here is to a …show more content…

It started to calm down and we all settled in and went to sleep. “After last night, we all have a whole different outlook.” I smiled and looked at Megan, “I agree Meg. But, I don’t think we are going to have it easy this time.” She sadly nodded. We all knew we weren't going to be able to positively handle this. All four of us went to breakfast and shortly after began training Fido. After about four hours, we finally did it. We all successfully trained Fido. By this time, it was about high noon. We all headed back to our belongings to get some food. When I got to my stuff, I noticed I was low on food. “How could I be almost out of food? I don’t know what I am going to do.” I did not tell anyone I was low on food, I just went hungry. After awhile, I began to look for some food. People kept denying me and telling me, I should kill and eat my dog. “No way, absolutely not! He is my baby, I am not hurting the poor thing.” I finally had to the courage to go ask Amanda if I could have some food. I sat down next to her and began to speak, “Amanda, I don’t know what to do.” “What’s up, girl?” “I,m out of food, I am starving, Aubrey and his clan are trying to kill my dog, and I just feel so weak.” I ended in tears. I was such a mess. “Oh my gosh! Don’t cry! Everything will be okay, Zo!” At this point, I did not believe that everything was going to be okay. Everything in my life was crashing down on me. “I have

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