It is the year 1620, and we are on our way to Massachusetts. If you are confused on why I said “we,” there are about six or seven families along for the ride. We should be on the boat for roughly three months. Oh, I forgot to mention it is early September. Every person that is coming along is allowed to bring one suitcase with them. If you don’t pack carefully, you could get sick, die, starve, become hot, cold, or even thirsty. My suitcase is comprised of of things such as, food, a hatchet, a blanket, four pairs of shoes, utensils (for eating of course), and lastly some soap. I also am bringing my trusty companion, Fido, along for the journey. He is a hunting dog, so I mean he could come in handy when we come ashore. Well, here is to a …show more content…
It started to calm down and we all settled in and went to sleep. “After last night, we all have a whole different outlook.” I smiled and looked at Megan, “I agree Meg. But, I don’t think we are going to have it easy this time.” She sadly nodded. We all knew we weren't going to be able to positively handle this. All four of us went to breakfast and shortly after began training Fido. After about four hours, we finally did it. We all successfully trained Fido. By this time, it was about high noon. We all headed back to our belongings to get some food. When I got to my stuff, I noticed I was low on food. “How could I be almost out of food? I don’t know what I am going to do.” I did not tell anyone I was low on food, I just went hungry. After awhile, I began to look for some food. People kept denying me and telling me, I should kill and eat my dog. “No way, absolutely not! He is my baby, I am not hurting the poor thing.” I finally had to the courage to go ask Amanda if I could have some food. I sat down next to her and began to speak, “Amanda, I don’t know what to do.” “What’s up, girl?” “I,m out of food, I am starving, Aubrey and his clan are trying to kill my dog, and I just feel so weak.” I ended in tears. I was such a mess. “Oh my gosh! Don’t cry! Everything will be okay, Zo!” At this point, I did not believe that everything was going to be okay. Everything in my life was crashing down on me. “I have
Another example of a most courageous African American spy during the Civil War was Mary Touvestre, a former slave who worked for one of the Confederate engineers making the USS Merrimack into the CSS Virginia. While at work, Touvestre heard her employer discussing a steam propelled warship, which they referred to it as ironclad, and its importance to the southern war. Realizing the threat that the CSS Virginia posed to the northern blockade, Mary Touvestre daringly stole the ship’s plans and fled to Washington, DC. Walking from Portsmouth, Virginia to the capital, Touvestre risked severe punishment if rebel authorities would have found her with the plans.
In Marion Winik’s essay “The Things They Googled”, Winik associates certain Google searches with different kinds of people, such as those that are young, old, lonely, and forgetful. Young people would google what they didn’t know or what they were supposed to know, older people would google what they’d forgotten, and lonely people would make searches based on their past relationships. Winik makes the assumption that these groups of people all would be googling similar content. Winik might be criticizing Google searches, or she could just be criticizing people based off the searches they’ve made. Although she may not have meant to come off as critical, her language and tone can easily lead someone to believing so.
Dorothy Allison's “I'm Working on My Charm” is a story of a young sixteen-year-old girl who works as a waitress with her mother. As a young daughter coming to the same field as the mother, the mother becomes a role model here and supports and helps her daughter on becoming a good waitress. She makes sure the environment her daughter is working on is good and that she is aware of the Yankees. Yankees doesn't see waitresses on the same level as they are. So, the mother is worried how her daughter will deal with Yankees and makes sure she knows how to handle different situations. The daughter is taught to use her charm to influence people. Also, Mabel, her mother's friend, teaches her how to bet on tips from customer. This story illustrates how an older person can be a guide for younger ones to be successful and accepted in the society.
Indian Uprising of 1622: After Powhatan Chief Opechancanough was planning to befriend the English, so that he could play a clever ruse, in which they would get revenge by attacking the English after befriending them, but the Indians would later be defeated with many casualties by the
In the article, ‘Pretty Tough: The Cult of Femininity in Women’s Magazines’, Sherrie A. Inness studies the representation of women and the actions of ‘toughness’ within mass media, specifically in magazines of the American culture. Throughout her observation, Inness realized that one common attribute women within magazine advertisements all had was their lack of toughness. It was clear that femininity presented on magazine covers mostly depicted women as beautiful and glamorous, but not tough. Although, “tough women” were shown throughout advertisements and articles within these magazines, it was also noticeable how femininity and toughness was undermined within
“Well, good- that’ll be less work for the both of us,” she grinned. Her heart was still beating fast, but at least it wasn’t pounding in her ears any longer.
In Orwell’s 1984, he displays psychological manipulation through Oceania’s government which it uses to control its citizens. This includes the use of propaganda, control of content, and ethnocentrism. The Party’s methods of control relates to real life events repeated in history such as the Nazi Regime from 1933 to 1945 headed by Adolf Hitler and common patterns in cultural history.
In Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt, Doug, the strong and persevering young protagonist relates to many birds. I feel some of Doug's experiences relate to the print of Ferruginous Thrush from John James Audubon: Birds of America. This print depicts four birds fighting off a snake in their nest. The whole story Doug and his family are bullied by his father. The way I see this piece is that the snake is Mr. Swieteck tormenting the rest of his family throughout the story. Mr. Swieteck constantly physically abuses his children and emotionally abuses his wife. For one of Doug’s birthdays his father came home drunk and took him on a drive. Doug was in pain and describing how “It hurt and my father pushed me down” (Schmidt 146). When the Sweiteck’s are eating dinner Doug realizes that his father has taken his hundred dollars and signed baseball, immediately the situation becomes tense. Doug subtly hints that his father is a liar and his father responds with, “Mr. Big Bucks Ballard is a freaking liar!” which ends
I really like some of the points you made from the reading. One such point was that Westwood Publishing had never laid anyone off, in its entire sixteen-year existence. While on the one hand, this shows that leadership is dedicated to their employees. This comes despite necessary changes that were neglected along the way, and that is why they are in such disarray now (Borromeo, 2014). It is important for leadership to understand that their ultimate goal is create profits for their shareholders, the bottom line. How they treat employees obviously has a say in that, however sometimes hard decisions have to be made for the good of the company. Jim Collins points out in Good to Great, that one of the fundamental factors that leads to organizational success is “first who” (Collin, 2001). This is a double-edged sword in that the most important facet of an organization is not only ensuring that the right people are put into the right leadership positions, but also that those who aren’t meeting expectations are removed from their positions before negatively affecting the company.
We begin with Anderson’s In My Opinion, where he launches an attack on two topics: convenience sampling and indices as measures of relative abundance. Convenience sampling is where data subjectively taken from locations close to roads, trails or campsites as opposed to any method of random sampling. According to Anderson, the main problems with this is that you cannot make strong inferences about the population as a whole, and that there is no was to look at the precision of estimated parameters. The other issue was how rough counts (index values) were being treated as equivalents to relative abundance. Here Anderson says the problem is that this rests on “absurd” assumptions – that the idea is inherently an assumption, and that the detection
Chapter six from the text Good to Great, was directed towards organizations building up a culture of handling discipline. The hedgehog concept was also references a few times in this chapter as well. However, the part of the chapter that interested me was the culture, not a tyrant section. Understanding the culture of discipline is vital for a manager recognize as the manager must not be blinded by their power. As a power hungry manager will make some possible major errors with their staff since they will not be able to see what is important for the department.
“Nah, you know, Josh, I’m not all that into just staying here.” She gave the impression that she wanted to go.
The foundation of the Supreme Court began with the earliest articles of the constitution. More specifically, Section II of Article III dictated that “The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority…”(National Archives). This language laid out the legal precedent for which the Supreme Court could be built. Due to the intentionally vague nature, the founding fathers intended for the first Congressional Contingent to build the workings of the court. Inspirations for such a Federal legal system arose from several sources. Chiefly among these sources was British Common Law and the Magna Carta. The first Congress built the Supreme Court in its original form of six judges, and from there, the court evolved in the early 19th century and exerted its influence on the development of the United States of America.
“Sure,” I replied. I got into her moms car, and we arrived within minutes. We jumped out and walked into the food court doors. Immediately, the smell of food floating around the air, reached our nose. Mmmm ‘Yum Japan’ smells so good. We were in the middle of the food court when all of a sudden we heard yelling.
After the meal, we all sat a little and talked. By the time I knew it, it was time to go