
A Short Story : The Story Of A Story

Decent Essays

I could feel the stinging tears swelling up, I tried to hold them back, but with this pain I couldn't hold them back anymore, and I felt a tear roll down my red cheeks. All I thought was that my arm could be broken and even worse have wooden shards sticking out of my arm. I was so upset because I was in so much pain and all my brother and best friend at the time could do was laugh at me. But if i'm going to tell this story right, I have to go back to the beginning. It all started when I was at the park behind my house with my best friend at the time, Maria. We were just hanging out and watching my brother, Chase, play golf in the large field connected to the park. When he was done playing he walked over to us; “Whats up guys?” He said while walking up, “ nothing much we’re just chill and talking” “cool” he started to hang out with us, while we were hanging out me and Maria were playing with one of his golf clubs. While we were messing around, we ended up throwing it in one of the trees in the park. He was upset and tried to get it by climbing the tree and grabbing it, but the tree was too slippery that he slipped and fell on his back. He couldn't reach it so he decided to have us assist him and try to get it. “Can u guys please help me get it, since you were the ones who threw it up there.” “Ok, fine we will help you.” “Good get on my shoulders.” “Actually i'm going to get on the slide then get on your shoulders” “Ok come on” We walked over to the slide and I got on top of it but as soon as I was up he had the idea; “ Maria you should actually get on the slide because no offence shawna but she is lighter and could get boasted up more.” “Oh none taken she's smaller and younger so she obviously is” I said “ ok” said Maria After we all agreed he didn't even hesitate a second for me to get off, he just pushed me with all his force and I ended up falling off the slide. When I fell I landed on my arm when I tried to get up and I noticed that there were wooden shards sticking out of my arm. I couldn't get up I grabbed my arm and as soon as my fingers made contact with my arm I felt it. I felt the pain rush through my arm, it was excruciating and unbearable. It hurt so bad when I touched it I felt the

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