
A Short Story : A Story Of A Strange Story

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Jonah was driving down the old road one late night when he experienced one of the most terrifying events in his life. He probably should have listened to his roommates stories. If he did, none of this would have happened. He would have realized that his roommate isn’t all that crazy after all.
It was a cool October night. Jonah had just gotten off work not too long ago and couldn’t wait to get home because his new roommate, Amanda, makes the best fall dinners with desserts for him after a long day at work. Although the country roads take him longer to get home, he still sometimes likes to take them to look at the beautiful scenery. Amanda always protests against him taking the country roads, though. She always makes up strange stories hoping Jonah would believe them so he would get home quicker. He didn’t blame her. She had her own business but she worked out of the comfort in her bedroom. So she didn’t have very many visitors when he was gone.
He began to think back on one specific evening when he came home a little later than usual. It was the first time he took the country roads home from work. When he finally got home, he told Amanda why he was late and apologized for not letting her know in advance. Right when he told her, her face went completely blank. She hesitated, then finally spoke.
“You can’t go down those roads ever again! Those roads are very dangerous to be on at night!” she yelled.
“What do you mean? I go down those roads all the time and nothing bad has happened to me.” Jonah explained.
“You know how on the main country road there is a hidden driveway when you first turn onto the road?” she asked.
“Yes?” he was now confused as to why she was asking him this.
“It is said that about a year ago, on those old country roads a man, named Heinz, was with one of his his relatives named Gloria. They were looking for his dog who ran away earlier that night. It was starting to get dark out so they decided to check the road one last time and then call it a day. They tramped over to the road. They glanced around the road and treeline, not seeing the dog anywhere. They soon began to walk down their driveway to head back home. When they began to head back, they heard a faint barking noise behind

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