
A Short Story : A Story?

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Well, thank fuck for that! Tracy thought. She left the waiting room and walked down the corridor until she reached room 3, which helpfully bore Richard Hardman’s name on a silver plaque on the door. She imagined again what Doctor Richard Hardman was going to look like.

Seventy-five, bald and with a light-grey beard, Tracy decided. She knocked three times on Doctor Richard Hardman’s door.

“Come on in,” a deep, smooth sounding voice called out to her. It wasn’t the voice which she had imagined that the seventy-five-year-old Doctor Richard Hardman would possess.

What am I doing here? she thought to herself again before opening Doctor Richard Hardman’s door.

As Tracy walked into his room, at first, she thought that she must have made a mistake. Instead of being met by a seventy-five-year-old doctor, she saw a handsome ebony God sitting behind his desk. He was a tall, muscular man with dark brown skin and a winning smile.

“You’re Doctor Richard Hardman?” She said to him.

His smile became broader still. “Last time I checked,” he replied. “Please, shut the door.”
She did as he had asked of her.

“Now, please, take a seat,” he said, indicating the wooden one vacant opposite him.

Doctor Richard Hardman looked up her file on his computer and read some of it out-loud.

“Tracy Bates. Aged thirty-one but looks more like twenty-seven. Five-foot, six inches tall, natural redhead, 116 lbs, bra size 32DD,” he said.

Tracy was sure that her notes did not mention anything

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