
A Short Story : A Story?

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The ringing in Eddie's ear was persistent as he walked faster than ever from school. His arm burned in pain from whoever it was and his ear ached from who screamed at him. God, high school kind of... sucks. The brisk, winter breeze nipped his nose and numbed his face, causing him to shiver. His mom will kill him when he gets home, due to the lack of a scarf, gloves, or a heavy jacket. But still, the antagonistic screams of Henry rang in his ears, the words ingrained in his brain. You'll never amount to anything, you f*g! How do your friends deal with you daily? I can’t stand a gay like you! You're a fucking boy kisser, that’s all you’ll ever be! Eddie's eyes began to sting as he walked faster. How did he even find out? He only told two people... just them. No one else. He gasped for a breath, not realizing he’d been holding it. Something cold trailed down his cheek, and he wiped it away hastily. A buzzing from his phone knocked him out of his lonely mind. A call, from no one else than Richie Tozier. “Hell... hello?” Eddie said softly, sniffling. “Hey, can- are you okay?” Richie started off, bright and cheery, but his mood shifted as soon as he heard Eddie's voice. “Yeah, sure. W... what’s up?” Eddie muttered. Richie hesitated. “Yeah... I need somewhere to stay. For the time being. My parents left on a trip, and forgot to tell me!” He laughed awkwardly, but his laugh was full of hurt. “So... can I stay over? Just for a bit of winter break?” “I... I’ll ask my mom,

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