
A Short Note On Non Disparagement And Legal Counsel

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D. Non-Disparagement. From the date of execution of this Settlement Agreement forward, Plaintiff, Releasors and their legal counsel agree not to defame the Released Parties or any of their current or former employees, affiliated corporations, parent corporations, partnerships, divisions and subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, attorneys, insurers, successors and assigns, or any of Released Parties’ services or products, in any matter, at any time, to any person or entity. Plaintiff, Releasors and their legal counsel further agree to refrain from making defamatory statements, oral or written, about any of the Released Parties (and their products or services), including but not limited to …show more content…

E. Releasors understand and agree that the payments specifically identified herein are the entire and only consideration for this Full Release and Settlement Agreement, and it is intended by Releasors and the Released Parties, and each of them, that this release shall be complete and shall not be subject to any claim of mistake of fact or law by Releasors and that it expresses a full and complete settlement of liability claimed and denied, and that this release is intended to be full, final, and complete. F. As part of the consideration for the payments hereinabove mentioned, Releasors are releasing all claims, including all those for known or unknown and anticipated or unanticipated injuries and damages arising out of or in any way relating to the Incident, including all interest, attorney’s fees and expenses, if any, medical expenses, hospital expenses, medical liens, and other related fees and expenses arising from and/or in connection with the Incident. Releasors recognize and acknowledge that there is a risk that, subsequent to the execution of this Full Release and Settlement Agreement, Releasors will claim or suffer monetary or other losses, expenses, or damages which they may allege are in some way caused by or related to the Incident, but which are unknown and

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