
A Rose For Emily Isolation Analysis

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Emily lived a very lonely life filled with odd events. She faced criticism and judgment from her fellow town members for not fitting in and keeping to herself. As a result, Emily encountered quite a few internal struggles. “A Rose for Emily” has characteristics that relate to the day to day lives of every human.

Emily’s relationship with the community, her father, and Homer are all related in the fact that isolation is the main root of it all. The isolation begins with her relationship with her father. It becomes obvious that her father put in her mind from a young age that no one was good enough for her and not allowing any social activity through out her childhood due to her family’s social status. It seems that the isolation continues …show more content…

She lived in her own world turning a blind eye to the modern world that she was not ready to accept nor be a part of. As the town evolved and the younger generations took local governmental roles, new laws were being put in place. As a result, a tax notice was sent to Emily. She chose to ignore this request and didn’t see it as necessary as it was something that had been practiced for generations in her family. This is a prime example in which Emily was living in her own traditional world with disregards to everything else going on around her.

Tradition is a very big element in the composition of every human. Sometimes, it can be quite difficult to let go of certain traditions after participating in them for so long. It is only normal to feel such a way but it is important to remember that change is good for growth.

Emily’s lack of relationships and social activity have clearly impacted her. She is a victim of isolation and becomes obsessed with the idea of love. Emily is considered an outsider and remains on the outside as she goes through life, love and

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