
A Rose For Emily Grief Analysis

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In the story A Rose for Emily, is creepy and bazar. Since madness runs in her blood I see why the town people gossiped about. She lived a secret life in a big mansion with her father, until he passed away. The narrator talks about a long illness that Emily suffers after the incident of her father death. At this point Emily is in grief which is the most painful experience of all time. The word "grief" means "heavy." It may well be the heaviest weight that a person will ever have to carry on themselves. In the early stages of grief, the person carries this weight, lying, standing, sitting, sleeping or awake. The loss of a loved one can strike a person at the heart of our own existence and our sense of rootedness in the world. The belief in …show more content…

So the summer after her father’s death, the town contracts workers to pave the sidewalks, and a construction company, under the direction of northerner Homer Barron, is awarded the job. Homer becomes a popular figure in town because the town have seen him taking Emily on rides on Sunday afternoons, which scandalizes the town and increases the condescension and pity they have for Emily. They feel that she is forgetting her family pride and becoming involved with a man beneath her class. The town people always had something to say about her because one she’s not married at her age and her father was too controlling and he chased away all her suitors. Now there is a man in her life and they are thinking that she’s going to settle down and get …show more content…

Both stories are told from a point of view, A Rose for Emil starts off by telling us that Miss Emily has died and people have come to her funeral. Then the narrator goes by saying that the men came out of respect affection and the women came because of their curiosity since no one has seen her in years. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place starts straight off with taking us to the story at the café. The narrator gives us a picture of the old man drinking and the two waiters were observing him and understanding he was drunk. Unlike A Rose for Emily finding out a little more character when finding out the old is deaf and is a regular client at the café. Also getting a better depiction of the scene, in the daytime the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust Ernest Hemingway also set up a time frame. He let us know that it is late at night. The last paragraph can be compared in both stories, in both stories the revelation at the end because the ending is really gruesome and

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