
A River Runs Through It Theme Essay

Decent Essays

The theme of A River Runs Through It , a book written by Norman Maclean and a movie directed by Robert Redford is that people want to help those they are close to, but they have to let them live their lives as individuals even though they may be in the wrong. Basically, you have to let people make their own choices in life, and the theme is supposed to give us an overall message of how to live life in this way. Therefore, the traits of pride and acceptance that the lives of Norman, Paul, and the people around them, who are foils, show impact the message of the theme and prove it. Pride is a true element to the story that Paul, Norman, and other characters show to relate to the theme. One example of this is when Paul has gambling debt, and refuses to let Norman help pay it off. Paul said that he himself would pay it off, and that it was his responsibility even though he clearly couldn’t pay it by himself. This shows us the theme, because Paul has pride in solving his own problems, and won’t accept help even though he needs it and Norman offers it. Norman knows that Paul needs aid, but he also realizes that he has to let his brother make his own decisions. A second example is when Jessie’s brother, Neil, has …show more content…

Through their actions and choices, they act as foils for each other. They are foils in the way that they reveal traits about one another, and develop each other. Other characters like Neil, Jessie, their parents, and their friends serve as foils to develop Norman and Paul as well. Without these characters, we wouldn’t be able to get the true message of the story. They show us the meaning of acceptance and pride and how they contribute to understanding others. The examples of Norman helping Neil and Paul refusing Norman’s money further support the foundation of the idea that is represented in the movie. Lastly, that is why foils are so important to structuring a

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