
Rhetorical Analysis On The Rainy River

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On The Rainy River: Rhetorical Analysis
In Tim O’Brien’s short-story, On the Rainy River, the main character, Tim, is drafted to the Vietnam War. Later on in the chapter, Tim deals with mental and emotional issues on whether he should go to the war or run away to Canada and be a “coward”. This is a conflict for Tim because he does not agree with the war which makes it hard for him to attend, but on the other hand if he does not go to the war he fears that his family and friends will neglect him. Tim O’Brien reveals how an individual may discover the person deep inside themselves when insecurities and doubts are in one’s mind. O’Brien’s use of gloomy words, a depressing tone, symbolic events, and imagery, help the reader understand Tim’s situation as well as his purpose in the book.
One way that the author conveys his …show more content…

The author demonstrates that Tim is stuck contemplating on whether or not to face the Vietnam War and is rather depressed because whatever choice he makes is still a bad choice for him. For instance, in the novel The Things They Carried O’Brien addresses “What it came down to, stupidly, was a sense of shame. Hot, stupid shame… I was ashamed to be there at the Tip Top Lodge. I was ashamed of my conscience, ashamed to be doing the right thing” (O’Brien 49). This quote helps establish a depressing and humiliating tone because these types of thoughts are a continuity throughout the chapter. In this chapter, Tim is constantly attacked by his conscience and his conscience acts as the force that pulls him back from going to the war. That shame of “doing the right thing” comes from him believing that the Vietnam War is absurd. The other factor that makes O’Brien depressed is the fear of embarrassment. The tone helps convey his purpose in the book because it helps the reader relate to Tim’s struggle. By using a depressed tone, we are exposed to his true identity and

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