
A Rhetorical Analysis

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Paragraph 1- NASA is using all the money they have to keep what they have right now up and running, but if we sell the older spacecrafts and satellites the private companies can keep them running and being worked on while NASA builds bigger and better things. In Brian Berger's article “With NASA Budget Cuts Looming, SETI Eyes Private Funding”, he says, “NASA's astrobiology budget, the source of most of that grant money, is facing a steep decline. Under NASA's 2007 budget proposal, currently before Congress, the U.S. space agency would spend $32.5 billion on astrobiology in the year ahead--half of what it spent on astrobiology in 2005.” (Berger, pg 1). A survey was conducted between February 4, 2013, and February 6, 2013, by random people, the results were 75 percent believe that NASA’s budget should be doubled to 1 percent of the federal budget to fund initiatives including a mission to Mars. …show more content…

As Leahy pointed in his article “Space Access: The Private Investment vs. Public Funding Debate.” on page 1,¨According to space policy consultant Jim Muncy, the $500 million Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program represents a breakthrough in NASA thinking about space operations because it really offers the private sector a chance to do what only Russia does now:¨ (Leahy pg1). A scientific report was done on what U.S public opinion thinks on paving the way for commercial space travel, and they said it was 17% very

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