
A Reviewer Jenelle Suggested That I Make It Clear Where I?

Better Essays

My reviewer Jenelle suggested that I make it clear where I was going with the information I provided. She also suggested I include an explained why this topic was significant using my own words. In addition to that she suggested I provided some commentary, and try to reduce the number of direct quotes I had. On a positive note she felt that my research question was relevant to the changing workforce, and would be helpful to women and minorities who were trying to get promotions. What Jenelle reviewed was extremely helpful. In order to make it clear where I was going with the in formation I provided, I decided to state what I found from doing research in the beginning instead of the end. I was hoping to make my information more relevant …show more content…

This topic is not only relevant for the future and success of women and minority leaders, but also for the growth of organizations as well. Organizations would benefit by embracing women and minority leaders and taking into consideration the fact that their contributions can be valuable. In addition, women and minorities can also benefit from understanding why being a successful leader has become difficult. Only through fully understanding their obstacles can they fully be able to achieve greatness as leaders.
In the past women and minorities have dealt with several obstacles that have prevented them from climbing the corporate ladder. According to Sanchez-Hucles and Davis (2010), women and minorities have experienced discrimination and biases that have been detrimental to them achieving and performing in leadership roles. Fortunately, the “glass ceiling” that has been suppressing so many women and minorities from suceeding in the workforce has finally been cracked. Now, according to The Department For Professional Employees (2014), “there are almost 67 million working women in the U.S.”, and according to Burns, Barton, and Kerby (2012), “people of color made up 36 percent of the labor force”. Although they’ve made great strives in the workforce, they continue to face several obstacles as leaders.
New research suggests that one obstacle women and minorities now face is the “glass cliff”. The “glass cliff” is the idea

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