
A Research Study On Using The Talking Circle

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Although their sample size was small, the authors provided relevant justification for the limited number of participants. They cited that low sample sizes are historically common in aboriginal specific research (Gordon, et al 2014, p.7). Therefore, the small sample population and survey participation rates are adequate. Focus groups in a qualitative study allow the researcher to interview several participants simultaneously. Numbers of those within the group are typically no more than 12 to allow for a more in-depth discussion. Focus groups are beneficial with limited time, and may allow for richer data collection as conversations ensue amongst participants (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). Thus, the use of the talking circle is appropriate in this study. The small numbers and shared epistemology of the ATC’s would allow for comfortable dialogue. The quantitative data consisted of two surveys, one for the administrators, with a separate survey for the ATC’s.
Participant surveys measure individual 's’ attitudes and perspectives towards a topic. surveys are often used in descriptive quantitative research, as the basic elements of the design are simple (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). In this study, the administrator survey consisted of short answer and open-ended questions, while the ATC survey consisted of a Likert scale.
The authors state reliability and validity testing were not completed on the survey questions (Gordon et al., 2014, p.14), and include this as a

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