
A Research Study On Metacognitive Behavior, Regulation, And Evaluation

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Through the use of a small mathematical modeling group the relationship between metacognition and mathematical problem solving was looked at to understand it more in regards to situations and contexts without prompting by teacher. This article questions how the selections of metacognitive strategies come about. The goal of the study being to characterize contexts and situations that give rise to metacognitive activity.
The author states that previous research has shown that good problem solvers engage in metacognitive activity throughout various phases of problem-solving. It is also stated that at the same time research shows there has been little evidence of metacognitive activity of poor problem solvers. Also noted in regards to poor problem solvers is that some metacognitive activity is only evident during the early phases of problem. There have been research efforts which utilize these results, focusing on improving problem solving by identifying specific metacognitive behaviors. The author also states that additional research on metacognition regarding mathematical problem solving focuses primarily on metacognitive awareness, regulation, and evaluation.
The Authors mention that very little research has been published in mathematics education literature focusing on metacognitive activity in regards to how students select metacognitive strategies. Is it that the student actually selects it or is it an unconscious act? Reference is given to Stillman and Galbraith (1998)

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