
A Research Study On Enterococcus Faecalis

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Enterococcus faecalis is a class of bacteria present in the gastrointestinal system of humans and other mammals. It can cause urinary tract infections and endocarditis (most commonly) and can be life-threatening to humans. In this study, an unknown bacteria was assigned and had to be identified through biochemical tests. After preparing a working plate, a Gram staining test, a catalase test, and a RBC hemolysis test were done for the identification. The Gram staining resulted in the unknown bacteria being a Gram-positive coccus because of the blue coloration and a spherical shape under the microscope. The catalase test was negative because the bacteria did not utilize catalase to breakdown H2O2. The blood agar used for RBC …show more content…

The Gram staining technique was developed by Hans Christian Gram in 1884 [1,15]. The catalase test is a simple, rapid, and accurate technique used to distinguish Gram-positive bacteria between catalase producers (Staphylococcus species) and catalase non-producers (Streptococcus species). The catalase tests accounts for the enzyme catalase, an enzyme used for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. Generally strict anaerobes and aerotolerant anaerobes lack the enzyme catalase, whereas aerobes are easily associated with the production of catalase [12]. The third test used was the red blood cells (RBC) hemolysis test, which differentiates bacteria in three subcategories: α-hemolytic, β-hemolytic, and γ-hemolytic bacteria. For this test blood agar is used as a medium. Blood agar contains the fundamental nutrients for pathogens to grow (sheep blood composes 5% of the medium ingredients), and shows the results of blood breakdown. α-hemolysis is the partial breakdown of RBCs by microorganisms, β-hemolysis is the complete breakdown of RBCs, and γ-hemolysis is considered no breakdown of RBCs [2,10].
Materials and methods:

Working plate:
To prepare the working plate, the streaking technique was used.

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