
A Research Proposal On The Civil Rights Movement

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Abstract No matter varying ideas as to success, it is difficult to ignore that American culture has undergone immense changes since the 1950s. The Civil Rights movement, the emergence of feminism, and gay activism have literally revolutionized the society and how it functions, with many changes going to the promotion of equality and heightened awareness of the needs of others. At the same time, unfortunately, sexual criminality and violence remain critical issues, with women being the primary victims. The patriarchal foundation of the society has diminished, yet norms still providing men with entitlement remain in place, and this is a reality supported by modern research still referring to a “rape culture.” This same research also presents disturbing evidence of how young college students widely maintain norms affirming male dominance and aggression. No simple solution is then possible, and any effective course must rely on as in-depth research as may be conducted. To that end, the following assessment of study on the subject concludes with a research proposal, and one utilizing Structural Functionalism Theory and the innate value in interviewing students in both collective and individual ways.

“To what extent do mainstream sexuality norms impact sexual criminality?” It is inescapable that elements within a culture or society, and even of the most violent kinds, are linked to how that society functions and how its norms influence behavior. Certainly, few if any

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