
A Research For The Phase II Worksheet

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While doing extensive research for the Phase II worksheet, our project team tackled numerous ideas and concepts that relate to the communicator, the message of we are conveying, and the audience that we are trying to persuade. Primarily, our research focused on broader concepts that identified and encompassed all potential concepts and theories that may have applied to our cause, but later was narrowed down to specific variables that were utilized throughout our study and intervention poster. When we began our research, one concept that seemed to have strong potential for our intervention was empathetic joy/empathy. According to prior research, the use of empathy was successful in mediating teen/children motivation towards intergroup helping such that the more empathy evoked, the more likely the in-group would be to help the out-group (Sierksma, Thijs, & Verkuyten, 2014). An additional study found that when members of an in-group cultivated positive empathy, also known as “empathetic joy”, toward people in the out-group it helped significantly decrease prejudice and increase ally behaviors. Empathetic joy allows in-group members to imagine positive feelings and responses that are connected to out-group members’ personal experiences, including positive, first-person narratives (Gonzalez, Riggle, & Rostosky, 2015). Our research on empathetic joy then led us to the concept of Positive Affect Appeals, which we decided would be a more appropriate technique to utilize in our

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