5.1 Needs Assessment
As the biggest issue at the NRGC is having a consistent system in place in how to train new staff a set structure of basics in which to develop on and the second most important issue is the development of skills in new acquisitions made by the Club and how to further teach existing, experienced staff. There is a breakdown in knowledge management due to certain experienced staff only teaching certain aspects of the job in which they themselves don’t want to do. Often informal knowledge is shared between the inexperienced despite it being incorrect. A needs assessment would break down who needs training in what areas and what tasks each person needs to improve their skills and would decipher if the issue is in a deficiency in skill, knowledge or motivation. Motivation in much of the cases at NRGC can be boosted with more responsibility and more work, un-motivation emerges when staff is often overlooked for extra work, taken off the roster for periods of time and not given the opportunity to establish an image as a willing employee. Unlike McDonald’s there is no interest in the development of the new staff members regardless of the predisposed knowledge of the low staff turnover rate employed in the Club.
5.2 Methods of Training & Transfer of Learning
The staff demographic is young, with the mean age being 27-30, most of whom are tech savvy and can easily adapt to new technology and systems implemented in the Club if given the opportunity. Selecting
Organisational needs and skills requirements: organisational needs are constantly changing that is why Morrisons’s HR has to training the employees as far as they can keep their position. The organisation must watch the marketing in order to open new stores in other countries or in
In the case of RNC, staff have not been provided with adequate support or training to be able to develop the necessary skills to perform duties to the required standard. Organisations that understand the importance of having a committed and capable workforce helps the organisation achieve their strategic goals and. Implementation of organisational learning processes and human resources management is often neglected (Tortorella & Fogliatto 2014).
To further illustrate the lack of policy and guidelines managers are not afforded the opportunity of initial or continued training in which they can maintain their skills. To illustrate, Perfect Pizzeria recruits within its ranks for assistant and night shift mangers based on the capability of performing the
* No proper training provided for new staff. Management expects from new people to know everything already.
When choosing the experienced staff, I chose carefully. I tried to select the ones who had some background and experience in the telecommunications industry, or those that I saw would be most fit and valuable to my firm. The staff which I usually hired every run is:
It is important to know your staff. Everyone has their strengths and weakness. It is also important to consider more than one criterion when selecting individuals. Questions to consider are: Who has experience
Commitment to competence is the motor of any business to establish a tone at the top because it influences the effectiveness of management team. Accordingly, personnel must have the skills and knowledge necessary to the performance of their work. If workforces are lacking in skills or awareness, they may be ineffective in performing their allocated responsibilities. This is particularly critical when the employees are involved in performing controls. I recommend the management staff to hire employees with suitable levels of education and experience, and to provide
The value of a needs assessment in an organization is important since they are used for the driving force behind staff member’s job abilities. When a needs assessment is done correctly, it will and can determine who needs trainings and what types of trainings and the length. “The identification of training needs is the first step in a uniform method of instructional design.” (Training needs analysis, 2010) There are costs associated with trainings so offering trainings to employees who do not need it is a waste of time and money to a company.
Training: By establishing their training needs we can support them in their new role This may not only be on systems that we have in place but also include areas for development for them to be more successful and mutually beneficial.
This theory explains that motivation is based on the value of the reward that the employee seeks. The greater the value of the reward or goal, the stronger the employee is driven to perform. Not everyone in CWC wants to develop their career goals to move up the ladder but many do and the training, developing and mentoring of those that seek this kind of development have a high value on the future roles and promotions. The leadership team together with human resource team need to evaluate the opportunities we have with increased training and development for the employees. Also they need to understand the consequences of not escalating this to a higher priority for the health and future of the company. Employees that do not see support for development will be de-motivated, complacent and possibly
A process to inform new participants and get them up to speed is in place. An
identify the learning and development need of staffs under their leaderships and directions. This can be achieved through observing performances, undertaking formal and informal discussion with staffs,
When the organization invests in training and development to improve the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment is expected to yield productive and effective employees. The programs could be focused on individual performance or team performance depending on the development need identified by a training needs analysis which helps in the creation and implementation of training and management development programs. In the view of Grobler, Warnich, Carrel, Elbert and Hatfield (2004:345), training needs have to be determined first.
Within todays ever-changing working society, training and development is a key part within any organisation. Employees are the main capital within organisations which suggests