A Real Time Leaky Bucket Based Admission Control Scheme for VoIP Networks Seminar Report Submitted By Arunima Goel Reg. No: 130907620 Section: B2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A Constituent Institute of Manipal University) MANIPAL-576 104 August 2016 INDEX SR. NO. TOPIC PAGE NO. 1. Introduction 3 2. Leaky Bucket Algorithm 3 3. Call Admission Control(CAC) 4 4. The RLB-CAC Technique 4 5. Transforming LB into a rate tester 5 6. Conclusion 7 7. References 8 1. INTRODUCTION A significant amount of research efforts have been directed towards attempts at providing high quality service for real time applications of IP based networks in the past decade. The core idea of these techniques is to control the IP network congestion level which is the main cause of delays/losses, and also imposes upper bounds on these events. Traffic policing is one of the techniques used for this purpose. These techniques makes the assumption that users generating flows/calls will specify the setup time by using Service Level Agreement (SLAs) i.e. the characteristics of the traffic that they emit to the network. Therefore, these techniques are employed to ensure that the generated traffic is within the conforms of previously agreed contracts. One of the most popular traditional traffic policing techniques is the Leaky Bucket (LB). Average rate and the maximum burst size/length of a
Monitored the network congestion in order to achieve the optimal performance out of a network infrastructure.
contains the case narrative, related figures, and a set of questions and problems. These do not have one unique solution. There are too many alternatives when dealing with LANs, WANs, MANs, BNs, and the Internet, so a reallife network design and development problem can have several workable answers.
While Internet Service Providers (ISPs) want to create a tiered approach, saving the faster speeds for their premium customers while charging “heavy band-with users” in order to generate revenue, enhance their systems and build more robust, more advanced networks,
As compared to Layer 3, where addresses in the packet header are carried from source host to destination host regardless of the number of network hops along the route, Layer 2 uses addressing to transport the frame across the local media.
As this demand for dynamic and unpredictable data grows, more and more devices have to be added to existing networks and configured accordingly. The need of the hour is to regulate networks centrally and as a whole rather than configure individual network devices and gain more control to achieve flexibility in existing networks.
Cisco provides a number of its solutions over cloud rather than preferring the infrastructure implementation since it can reduce the cost of
During this paper several things will be explained or gone over. The first will be communication protocols and I will identify the network protocols and provide rationale for the decision. Next will be to define the full network architecture and explain the usefulness of the traffic analysis. The next thing will be to define the terms response time, latency, and jitter, and describe their effect on the main network performance and on the performance of the chosen organization 's network. Next the effect of data rates on each part of the network will also be explained. Describing strategies to ensure the availability of network access in switched and routed networks will be the last part of this paper.
In today’s high-traffic internet, it is often desirable to have multiple servers representing a single logical destination server to share load. A general configuration consists of multiple servers behind a load-balancer which would determine which server would service a client’s request. Such hardware is expensive, congested, and is a single point of failure. In this paper we implement and evaluate an alternative load-balancing architecture using an OpenFlow switch connected to a NOX controller, which gains flexibility in policy, costs less, and has the potential to be more robust to failure with future generations of switches. However, the simple approach of installing separate rule for each client connection/microflow leads to huge number of rules in switches and heavy load on controller. So controller should exploit switch support for wildcard rules for more scalable solution that directs large aggregates of client traffic to server replicas. We implement these algorithms on top of NOX OpenFlow controller and evaluate their effectiveness.
Lastly, conduct interviews with the experts from ISPs to know their viewpoints over a possible integration of congestion-control mechanism into BGP. Also, interview the experts from gaming companies, who base their business on inbound traffic. Since, Internet is a business for ISPs, diverting traffic onto other outbound links based on congestion scenarios may not be acceptable to them. ISPs may not want customer data traffic to travel over their outbound links, which does not pay them for the link usage. The interviews will help analyze the industry standpoint on
BARRACUDA NETWORKS specialize in the balancing of traffic across multiple ISP links to ensure Internet continuity and availability, even during ISP outages. It balances both outbound and inbound traffic intelligently, so users have Internet access whenever they need it. The company has in place Application prioritization and granular quality-of-service (QoS) policies assure priority to business-critical application traffic – and the applications remain available even when links fail. This deploys quickly and transparently into existing networks without changes to configuration or topology. Secure and affordable, the Barracuda Link Balancer streamlines bandwidth management while providing maximum Internet access.
The latest Cisco IOS innovation of NetFlow of version 9 is flexible and extensible method to record network performance data. A comprehensive solution for NetFlow-based, planning, monitoring and billing can provides to customers.
Project Title Network Design using access controls and VOIP By: Amardeep Kaur ID : 14111433 Tasman International Academics Department of Information Technology In partial fulfilment of the requirements of Diploma in Information Technology (Level 7) Supervisor: Saud Altaf Contents Chapter 1 2 INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEMS STATEMENT 2 1.1 CASE STUDY 2 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT 3 1.3 OBJECTIVES: 3 1.4 FEASIBILITY STUDY 4 1.4.1 Technical Feasibility: 4 1.4.2 Market Feasibility: 5 1.4.3 Economic feasibility: 5 1.5 RESOURCES REQUIRED: 5 1.6 NETWORK: 6 1.6.1 types of network : 6 1.6.2 Topology: 6 1.6.3 Benefits of networking: 7 1.6.4 Disadvantages of network 7 1.7 VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL 8 1.7.1
In the Semi-Automated DDoS attacks the DDoS “network” is made of a handler and an agent machine. There is automation present for the Recruit, Exploit and Infect phases. Through the communication between the handler and the agent, the attacker specifies the attack type, the onset, the duration and the victims ID. The
Disadvantage: The main disadvantage of this scheme is that, since no priority is given to handoff request calls over originating calls, the forced termination probability is relatively higher than it is normally anticipated [16], and also there is no proper channel utilization.
Abstract: Headway of usage of remote advances in tablets and compact terminals, which are outfitted with a couple framework interfaces, has offered customers to misuse from multi-homing to get the opportunity to network benefits wherever, at a point and from any framework. Advantage with multi homed host is that a segment of the action from more congested ways can be moved to less congested way. In this paper we consider about Multipath TCP (MPTCP), which encounters the degradation of good put inside seeing changing framework conditions on the open sub streams due to out-of-demand got groups. Purpose behind degradation is the considerable assortment of end-to-end defer for various courses over remote channels. To diminish the assortment of