
A Raisin In The Sun Social Injustice Analysis

Decent Essays

One in every five African American people did not work in 2016 (2018, CNNMoney). It has been like that for many years. Is it possible that social injustice plays a part in it? I decided to use A Raisin in the Sun as an example for this essay. This play was set in 1959. Many things that occurred in 1959 were almost similar to today’s society. Walter didn’t have a good job and he couldn’t get one. Many black people were losing out to the white people. Someone tried to force the Younger family to sell the house for white people’s best interests. Raisin in the Sun is the best example of the social injustice. The author implemented many techniques to display the racism in the play. There are the literary elements in the each of these evidence to allow us to think about the …show more content…

As you know, the mother of Walter Lee bought the house with 10,000 dollars. It was in the white neighborhood. Most of the family members were thrilled. However, they were scared, because of the white people. They shouldn’t be. Lindner came to their apartment to encourage them to sell the house for white people’s best interests. Of course, the family felt so offended by this ridiculous offer. Lindner said, “It is a matter of the people of Clybourne Park believing, rightly or wrongly, as I say, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier when they live in their own communities.” Lindner’s diction indirectly informs them that they don't belong in this community. They should live with the black people. Also, when Lindner mentioned, “our”, he tried to implied that white people own things. Therefore it was white people who make decisions about everything. Lindner tried not to appear racist. However, he went to their home to encourage them to sell, because they don’t belong in this community. He burned the bridge with the family. He didn't believe in the equality, which his diction

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