
A Quote That Really Gets Me Analysis

Decent Essays

A quote that really gets me Do you think quotes mean more than just the words they are? Well I do. Especially the quote “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.” I choose this quote to write about because the second I saw this quote I knew it would be perfect for me. I knew the person who made the quote was very wise, and I knew I wanted a quote by him. I think that the quote means it doesn't matter how slowly you do something, as long as you never give up you can achieve your greatest goals. I definitely agree with this quote because it’s true! An example of this reading. You can decide to stop reading a book you're reading because you’re reading it to slow, or you can keep reading and gain the knowledge and satisfaction that comes from finishing a book. This quote means alot to me, and I can really relate to it. I’ve never been the fastest person in sports. I can play them and do ok, but I’ve never been the best, especially when it comes to running. Every year at my old school we had to run a mile for a fitness test. I would always be one of the slower people, which was fine because, because I still got an A in gym. I would always finish, and I was always proud of my self. My story is related to my quote because I tried my best and …show more content…

Lets say you have a huge science project due next tuesday worth 79 points and you have to make a poster showing the cells and have the parts labeled. You can take your time on it and go slowly, get it finished and make it look really nice. Or rush on monday at 11pm and get it finished but get an f. It’s important for my classmates and me to live by this quote because it is inspiring to never give up on something that you're going slow on. I think if my classmates and I consider this quote we would work harder on a school work, get better grades, go to better collages, get better jobs, and make America a better

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