
A Qualitative Study Essay

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In this research, from the clinical documentation a qualitative study provides an outline description of the early cohesive Palliative Care for cancer. The aim or objective of this study is to find out the core component of the initial palliative care calls and to discover the main component of timing. As well as to link the comfortable palliative care visit notes to oncology during life-threatening situation including worsening and with the progression of radiographic diseases. The Sample is being used to represent the study of patients from diverse survival span. The method is the application which has been used to collect the data on palliative care patients with oncology notes and electronic health records.
The main component of the …show more content…

Therefore, content analysis was performed on Palliative Care and oncologic visit notes. Consequently, there were 151 patients enrolled at Massachusetts general Hospital from Boston, the oncology clinic. These patients were just being diagnosed with metastatic non– small cell lung cancer. The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group had patient’s eligibility who were diagnosed within 8 weeks with the achievement level of 0 to 2, as they completed their questionnaire in English. However, the participants were randomly allocated as 1:1 ratio to have early Palliative Care cohesively with ordinary oncologic care or with alone ordinary oncologic care. The Palliative Care clinicians were conducting the visits which was flexible and suitable for the individual patients. The documentation of content was done by Palliative Care clinicians of clinical encounter in the electronic health record after each visit. The study has been approved by the institutional review board of the “Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer

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