
A Pretty How Town

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Edward Estlin Cummings, better known as E.E. Cummings, was a 20th century modernist poet who experimented with form punctuation, spelling and syntax. He often wrote in sonnet and fee verse about nature, death, love and human experience. In his poems “anyone lived in a pretty how town” and “old age sticks” Cummings exemplifies imagery through unusual syntax and typography to convert the themes of his poems. The poem “anyone lived in a pretty how town” is a love story about two people who were very much different from the rest of the town. In any love story, you would expect that the lovers have names but Cummings gives the names “anyone” and “no-one”, two faceless people who live life freely in a faceless town. This strategy seems to be put in place to make the two characters invisible to the reader just like they are to the townspeople. The syntax of the poem is unusual because normally the word ‘how’ is an adverb that would tell us how pretty a town is, but, in this case the adjective ‘pretty’ informs us about the how-ness of the town. At the end of the eighth stanza there’s a period, Cummings may have been showing the end of “anyone” and “no-ones” lives’ and the end of hope that “everyone” and “someone” would change. …show more content…

The form of the poem is part of its meaning: “Tres)&(pas)/ youth laughs/ (sing/ old age”. The word “trespassing” is interrupted, this visual element shows the laughing of the youth interrupting the outcries of the old. The poem continues to break in the middle of words and sentences, even stanzas stop mid sentence and continue in the next stanza which is shown in the vertical presentation of the stanzas. This represents the process of growing old being interrupted by the memories or activities of

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