
A Prayer For Owen Meany Analysis

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John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany, does an excellent job in the characterization of two friends as a display of mankind’s connection to the world and the events around them. Though they seem like complete opposites, they help each other as they journey through their lives in Gravesend, New Hampshire. John Wheelwright was the less faithful one and believed that things just happened because they were supposed to. Owen Meany thought that everything was in God’s plan, and even believed that he was an instrument for the bidding of God’s will.
John Irving characterizes Owen as a very strange character; strange may be an understatement. His voice was especially strange, which Irving specifically included to display Owens faithfulness despite the opinions told to Owen to get his voice fixed, and the constant complaints from Harriet Wheelwright. However, Owen knew that his voice was the way it was for a reason, he was in fact and instrument. Owen displays repetitive characteristics that resemble Christ; he knows his death, he knows his “fate”, he is a “virgin birth”, seen as low down (as Harriet …show more content…

John believed that faith was useless because no matter what decision you made the next thing that happened was always up for grabs, the courage needed to make decisions was useless. Johnny had always thought that Owen was crazy for being as faithful as he was. It wasn’t until Owen’s comparison with John knowing the Mary Magdalene was there with Owen knowing God was there did he finally understand the kind of faith Owen truly had. John had always admired Owens faith but at the same time didn’t understand it. Johnny had gone through so many things as a kid, not having a dad and his mother being killed by his best friend, that he was almost numbed emotionally. John may have seemed to be protecting Owen, but Owen was the one guiding and protecting John the whole time. Johnny Wheelwright was a representation of the doubt mankind

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