
A Practical Solution to the Foreclosure Crisis

Good Essays

It is no secret the foreclosure crisis has played a significant role in the financial meltdown of the past year. The collapse of the housing marketing has brought thousands of families across the country to financial ruin, forcing many out on the streets. Although the common consensus is that something must be done to stabilize the foreclosure crisis, the agreement ends there. Proposed solutions to the foreclosure crisis have drawn controversy from all political affiliations and walks of life. This controversy is largely due to the fact that no one can determine for certain, a single factor that led to the housing market meltdown. By carefully analyzing the factors that potentially caused the foreclosure crisis, one can better determine …show more content…

Finally, the federal government will have to ensure states’ rights to protect consumers and enforce lending laws to strengthen homeownership. Thirdly, loan modification must be improved and made available to more homeowners. To begin with, tax burdens related to loan modifications must be reduced. These taxes only serve to undermine foreclosure prevention. Homeowners currently accrue these taxes when they repair a loan by reducing the principle balance, then have to pay on the forgiven debt. In order to address this issue, the tax code must be amended so that forgiven mortgage debt is not taxable. Key obstacles to loan modification must also be reduced or eliminated all together. This action would enhance the private sector’s willingness and ability to restructure failing mortgages. Finally, loan modifications should be increased by providing more legal protection for loan servicers. This would also promote bank liquidity. Another action that would mitigate the foreclosure crisis is to strengthen oversight of the FHA. The FHA could become the primary loan source for those not able to receive a conventional mortgage after the dry-up of the subprime lending market. This would result in a decrease in risky loan activity on the part of everyone involved in the housing industry, and would be a major step toward preventing future predatory and reckless lending practices. The remedies mentioned thus far

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