
A Plan Of Care For A Mother And Her Baby

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The midwife is an autonomous and responsible professional (Department of Health, 2010) and the main care provider of pregnant women in the UK (Sandal et al., 2013). The midwife is hence in a good position to promote the wellbeing of midwifery clients by providing optimal care and support to meet their physical, emotional, psychological and informational needs (NMC, 2015, Hunter, 2002). Although the midwife is autonomous, she is accountable to the law, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and her employer for her practice and decisions (Griffith et al 2010). It is important for the midwife to be aware of the law, ethics, and professional issues that relate to midwifery in addition to her clinical knowledge, as these will aid her in making …show more content…

The placenta separates itself from the wall of the uterus and is delivered after the birth of the baby. In placenta abruption however, the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus before or during the birth of the baby (Oyelese and Cande, 2006). Placenta abruption causes 33% of antepartum haemorrhage in pregnant women (Raynor et al, 2012). It is a major obstetric emergency occurring in around one in a hundred pregnancies and it requires urgent medical attention (Hanretty, 2010). Placenta abruption is also a major cause of maternal and foetal mortality or morbidity (CMACE, 2011).
The causes of placenta abruption are not fully known but some of its risk factors include pre-eclampsia, chronic hypertension, trauma to the abdomen, high parity, increased age, multiple pregnancy, previous history of placental abruption, previous caesarean section, smoking, substance abuse, oligohydramnios, premature or prolonged rupture of membranes and blood clotting disorders (Chapman & Charles, 2013). Placenta abruption can be mild, moderate or severe based on the level of placenta detachment and the maternal or foetal compromise (Crafter, 2009). It can also be concealed, revealed or mixed haemorrhage, based on the visibility of bleeding from the vagina (Crafter, 2009, Kenny, 2011). Signs and symptoms of placenta abruption include abdominal pain, rigid and tender uterus, visible or concealed bleeding, and foetal compromise (Yerby, 2010, Kenny, 2011). The impact of placenta

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